Mrs. Teabody Plans Two Fetes

Gentle Reader, Good Monday morning, and Mrs. Teabody extends her sympathies to those of you who must venture out into the workaday world. Mrs. Teabody herself is feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed having had at least a dozen hours of sleep, and what perfect weather for such a marathon of idleness! Mrs. Teabody trusts, you, Gentle Reader, had an hour or more of determined sloth sometime on the weekend as that is, after all, the best use of a winter weekend. One need not be a perpetual whirlwind of activity, must one?

 Mrs. Teabody has read the news of the SuperDuper Football Game, and while the name of the winning team now eludes Mrs. Teabody, she is happy for those who are happy about the outcome and  sad for those who are sad.  Mr. and Mrs. Teabody shared a noon meal with Mrs. T's siblings at the ancestral home yesterday, and Mrs. Teabody is happy to report that conversation about the SuperDuper Football Game was kept to a minimum. Truth to tell, she cannot recall a single snippet, and Mrs. Teabody's male siblings are quite sporty. Those advertising people would take small comfort to learn that an entire household of such charming and thoughtful humans could be so thoroughly disinterested in such an event.  Once home, the Teabodys spent their television viewing hour enjoying an episode of "Downton Abby" and other evening hours napping like bears.

All that idleness and napping must take a back seat this Monday as Mrs. Teabody has fetes to plan for. First there is a small event Thursday next when some of Mrs. Teabody's cherished friends and former colleagues will gather for noonzies and Mrs. Teabody will try out a new scone for their review, the "Hearts Afire" scone. Mrs. Teabody shall not divulge any more than that leaving conjecture to you, Gentle Reader . She will say only that Adagio's "Oriental Spice" should provide a nice complement. That should energize the "grey matter,"  Mon Ami!

The second fete is of as yet undetermined size and scope but Mrs. Teabody has expressed a desire to fete the folks who voluntarily hang all the Christmas decorations along Routes Thirty and Five Twenty-two. What a festive touch it is to see the village decked out in lighted Christmas wreaths and candles and Mrs. Teabody's favorite, SNOWFLAKES!  It is Mrs. Teabody's understanding that the Fulton County Chamber of Commerce spearheads this life-enriching effort and Lady Rasp is in charge of the  decorations so she and Mrs. Teabody shall be putting their heads together soon, and Mrs. Teabody should like it very much if you, Gentle Reader, will take a moment of your time to write a note of appreciation to  those involved and either send it along to the Chamber or to Tickle Your Fancy at 110 Lincoln Way West McConnellsburg, PA 17233. It is an arduous task to hang so many decorations, and the gentlemen do deserve thanking, do you not agree, Gentle Reader?

Here is yet another photograph taken by Mr. Teabody yesterday morning showing the perfect snow--one that leaves the motorways bare. Mrs. Teabody trusts you will meet Monday and all that it entails with a happy heart. Drink a nice cuppa before venturing too far afield and be kind to yourselves. Ta for now!


  1. What a great way to start a Monday morning!!!

    1. Mrs. Teabody blushes at your kindness and hopes your Monday was productive but fun. :)


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