Mrs. Teabody Enjoys Company at Tickle Your Fancy

Bon Jour, mon petit tete de chou!

And so the delightful, benign winter continues, and who - - other than children wanting sled time - - is disappointed not to greet the day with trepidation, Gentle Reader? No driving person, surely. Winter brings fear to even the best drivers as one does not always share the motorways with other "best drivers," is that not true? Mrs. Teabody's little shop, Tickle Your Fancy, looks out onto one of the busier streets in the village so she is witness to some extremely fast driving, some extremely reckless driving, and some extremely distracted driving as easily seventy percent of drivers who are driving solo have a cellular phone attached to their petit tete de chou. Mon Dieu! Mrs. Teabody is not a fan of slippery roads so she was happy to greet an iceless and snowless day yesterday in Dover, Delaware,  as she and her sister, the Duchess Tilly were in transit homeward by dawn's earliest light. And shortly after sunrise there was a most amazing sight: a  small-bird migration. The photo below was taken by Mr. Jerry Segraves, and is the closest image Mrs. Teabody could find to what she herself witnessed.

The migration was wonderful to watch. It was nearly like a huge, undulating ribbon of birds against the sky and their sky path  matched the highway for long enough for both the Duchess Tilly and Mrs. Teabody to be duly amazed in that "Oh, Dear, what can the matter be?" sort of amazement. Both travelers have seen Mr. Alfred Hitchcock's film, after all, Gentle Reader. As have you, doubtless.

Three hours and ten minutes later, Mrs. Teabody was delivered to the door of her small enterprise, and in less time than it takes to  wash the undercarriage of a motorcar, everything at Tickle Your Fancy was ready for custom. And what a day it was! Birthday gifts. Baby shower gifts. A  shiny silver necklace purchased by a gentle man for a faraway sibling for no reason other than to convey fondness. Sigh.

Mid morning the shop door popped open and who should it be but Sir Kenneth, impeccably attired for a morning of engagements in the village. Sir Kenneth possesses a wonderful wit and as he taste-tested a duo of teas, Mrs. Teabody was once again delighted to have the little tearoom. A few minutes later, Lady Betsy arrived with her hearty good humor to join the conversation -- a wonderful one with loops and poinards for the sound bites from the campaign trail. All too quickly the two visitors took their leave for the nearby and beautiful library.

Hardly had they made their way to the next street before the door once again burst open  and the mysterious Mme. Sophia of the magical hair-doing fingers arrived. A happy half hour ensued as Mrs. Teabody and Mme. Sophia are nearly like siblings in life's high points. There is a huge divide in opinion only when it comes to getting about the country on a motorcycle -- Mon Dieu! -- but in all else, Mme. Sophia is the most comfortable of friends and has the most forgiving nature for Mrs. Teabody's memory lapses for appointments. Every lady of a certain age needs a wizard such as Mme. Sophia.
The  delivery men came and went, the handsome affable one and the churlish one, and late in the afternoon a local successful entrepreneur arrived with his friend, the enchanting Lady G________. They had come for a little tea-tasting class, and it was an amusing time for all. The youthful entrepreneur has made quite a success of his enterprise and Mrs. Teabody listened with amazement and admiration. A most clever young man! Lady G______ proved to be a very charming and a wise  tea person, indeed, and Mrs. Teabody was sad to see them depart.

Just as the day ended, another pair of  dear friends paid their very first visit to TYF and were as enchanted with the lovely Albert Stoner building as most folks are--Mrs. Teabody included.

If you have not visited Tickle Your Fancy and tried a few of the delightful teas, Mrs. Teabody hopes you will do so at the earliest opportunity. Perhaps distance prevents you from doing so, but Mrs. Teabody is almost certain you, Gentle Reader, can find  a similar shop in your village where life slows down just long enough for you to catch your breath. And that can be a lovely thing.

Ta for now, Darlings!


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