Mrs. Teabody Swans Off

Good Saturday Morning, Gentle Reader!

Nature is a study in black and white under a milky gray sky as Mrs. Teabody greets the day, and she hopes you, too, have cardinals, juncos, woodpeckers, chickadees at your feeders to remind you the life in its infinite variety still exists and you are a part of it. The Teabodys embrace these ephemeral snowfalls and give them their full approval. Anything that brings a smile to the Teabodys' faces merits mentioning.

Fridays at Tickle Your Fancy have an indescribably vibrancy. The village has become quite a popular destination for thrift shop afficionados, and McConnellsburg has some real treasures in that regard with Fulton Antiques, Lost Treasures, Better Days and Dorothy's Attitudes. TYF hosted visitors from Huntingdon, Chambersburg, Gettysburg and Winchester yesterday as well as a skiing couple en route to Whitetail and in late afternoon one of Mrs. Teabody's FAVORITE friends Lady W_. Lady W_ needs to have her own talk show on television or take to the stage in a night club where she could perform her obscenely accurate human observations. A wit of the finest calibre, Lady W_ lent new meaning to the phrase "having one's sides ache from laughter." Such wonderful merriment.

At the appointed hour, The Ladies D _ arrived and soon enough the Teabodys and their esteemed friends were en route in the ancient motor car for an evening meal  just across the Mason-Dixie line, as Mrs. Teabody's history teacher friend is wont to call the line dividing North and South. Their intent was to dine at The Log Cabin Inn. While the Teabodys are quite fond of this bistro, The Ladies D_ had never had the pleasure. As Mr. Teabody pulled into a parking space, he announced in a voice devoid of any drama, "Someone was once murdered here." Murdered. Mon Dieu! 

Suffice to say that this announcement had all vying to be seated with their backs against the wall, and  Mrs. Teabody has rarely seen guests so wary of any and all sudden movements. The one Lady D_ bolted into a defensive karate pose when the cocktail waitress had the misfortune of approaching on "little cat's feet."  With Mrs. Teabody's long experiences in espionage, she felt no compromise in her enjoyment, and when Mr. Teabody finally offered that the murder had taken place some time in the past century, there was a collective sigh of relief. The evening passed with just the right amount of conviviality and once back on the road Lady D_ of the karate  pose regaled the group with some of her outrageous "planking"tales.
All too soon, the evening came to an end with the promise of another outing in a fortnight as well as an end-of-the-school-year escape to Cape May, an enchanting seaside town that all adore. Much to look forward to, Gentle Reader. If all goes as planned with weather permitting, Mrs. Teabody shall be whisked away at noon today by the Duchess Tilly and Lady Anne for some gaming diversion in a  seaside town. This means a fine hotel, an indoor swimming pool, a spa treatment, fine meals and the company of two of Mrs. Teabody's three beloved sisters. A happy, lucky time with many smiles all around. Mrs. Teabody hopes you, Gentle Reader, find much to smile about this wintry weekend.

No matter how grouchy you're feeling,
You'll find the smile more or less healing.
It grows in a wreath
All around the front teeth -
Thus preserving the face from congealing.
~Anthony Euwer

Ta, Darlings!  Mrs. T. shall return on Tuesday !


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