Mrs. Teabody Rambles Before Her Ramble

It is an absolute ebony sky this morning as Mrs. Teabody greets the day as well it should be. After all, it is just two hairs past a freckle - -no, no, that cannot be right. It is hard on four ayem, Gentle Reader, and Mrs. Teabody and the Duchess Tilly have an early morning engagement. If Mrs. T wishes to speak with you in this manner, she must do so at this hour. Please forgive her this dull prose as the grey matter feels wayward and spongy. Perhaps it will be revived by the steaming cuppa "Bon Jour" once the steeping process is complete. But to the purpose:

As "Downton Abbey" fans know, the regrettably short season drew to a close last night as the Crawley household celebrated the new year: 1920. In almost Dickensian fashion, all the loose ends were rolled up but only basted together--not sewn in place so one has an entire year to wonder over the fate of Mr. Bates, the comeuppance of Thomas, and most importantly, the outcome of the love relationship between Matthew and Lady Mary. The depiction of these human events  reminds watchers of what it means to be human and invites them to show compassion rather than belittling disregard.

Watching  well-scripted stories played out by fine actors on television is so very rare.  "Downton Abbey" is an exception to what now passes for art. On this show, no one eats any bugs; no one drinks someone else's bodily fluids; no one has a Brazilian wax or Botox injections. These are activities one does not share with the world, and yet there is nearly universal demand for such tripe. In the early days of computers, there was a phrase - -Garbage in, garbage out represented by the acronym GIGO. Mrs. Teabody longs for the day when folks have more regard for their own grey matter and choose to feed it more substantive fare.

The Teabodys inhabit a small, comfortable home in the now-leafless wood.  Because of the contour of the building site with the garage beneath their bedroom and living room, these two largish rooms with their largish windows seem to be suspended among the trees. It is a lovely effect  through all the seasons, green, gold, gray - - as not one inch of fabric covers any part of the view. Likewise the kitchen and the office are fully open to the world outside.

Ming and Mrs. T look through the dining room window.
However, there is one truly large window in the dining room, shown above, that is original to the cabin from which Chez Teabody sprang. It is Mrs. Teabody's favorite window as it looks out onto the rose garden and Mr. Teabody's marvelous patio featuring a cobalt blue bubbler through the mild months. The downside to holding onto this original single-paned window is that it leaks heat with abandon. Mr. Teabody created a means of sealing off the window that, while functional, is truly an eyesore.

A few weeks back the Teabodys purchased a new drapery rod, and yesterday, finally they found fabric to hang at the window that covers the eyesore but adds to the room's decor as it draws its colors from both the fireplace and the area rug. Such a lot of fabric on display softens the overall feel of the room. The room not only looks cozier; if the claim is true that the drapery "prevents up to twenty-five percent of heat loss," the room IS cozier. Furthermore, it is a PATTERN. Mon Dieu! Mrs. Teabody catches her breath at the thought. If Mrs. Teabody had not left her camera at Tickle Your Fancy, she would share the new pattern with you, Gentle Reader.
Mrs. Teabody really must move away from this plodding missive and prepare for her happy journey. For many of you, Gentle Readers, today is still the holiday, and she hopes you see fit to feed your grey matter something inspirational or add something new and exciting to your home's decor. Perhaps you will choose to just relax and allow this day to unfold as it chooses.  Whatever you choose to do with your day, Mrs. Teabody hopes you enjoy every minute of it.

Ta for now, Darlings! Mrs. Teabody returns Wednesday morning.


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