Mrs. Teabody Thinks About Blooms
Bonjour, mon petit chou!
Did the moon keep you awake last night? It was a persistent one hanging aglow throughout the slumbering hours "tipping with silver" rocks and branches and keeping Duchess Ming sitting vigilantly by the French doors awaiting the opportunity to thwart any danger threatening Chez Teabody. A canine of the first order, Duchess Ming. Squirrels quake in her presence. Mice write their wills. She can be as formidable a foe as she is loving and generous as a friend.
Good weather continues to prevail as days lengthen, and before anyone can say "Bob's your uncle," spring will waken the world again. Mrs. Teabody trusts you have begun plans for gardens. Mrs. Teabody grows only a few vegetables as Duchess Tilly and Lord and Lady Henry maintain a massive vegetable garden at the ancestral home, but she has a deft hand when it comes to roses. Mrs. Teabody's father was inclined to stand in front of Mrs. Teabody's borders and declare, "You can't eat flowers!" but Mrs. Teabody always felt he harbored an unexpressed admiration for riotous blooms. Here is a peek at a wee bit of border:
Mrs. Teabody has been especially happy through the winter with the good showing of the hollies and even the spurge. Always hopeful, spurge. The herbal bed has done quite well through the winter and Mrs. Teabody is so glad she took Lady Sowers' advice about planting the rosemary as it is flourishing, and the thyme has never faltered. When Mrs. Teabody first planted the little garden in front of Tickle Your Fancy, she had no idea the pansies would fare so well, but she counted fourteen blooms yesterday. Here are some blooms in a caterpillar vase available in the shop. Are they not sweet?
Inside the shop, living things flourish because of the huge south east windows. The mandevilla has done so very well and has even produced seed pods!
Here in the northeast, Mother Nature has been kind throughout the winter, and while that rascally rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, has promised another FIVE weeks of winter, the end is in sight. So make yourself a cuppa, break out the seed catalogues and do visit and give your winter eyes a treat. Mrs. Teabody so enjoys growing things. She hopes you already have or soon will have something green to feed and show life's promise on even the darkest days. Enjoy this already sunny morning!
Did the moon keep you awake last night? It was a persistent one hanging aglow throughout the slumbering hours "tipping with silver" rocks and branches and keeping Duchess Ming sitting vigilantly by the French doors awaiting the opportunity to thwart any danger threatening Chez Teabody. A canine of the first order, Duchess Ming. Squirrels quake in her presence. Mice write their wills. She can be as formidable a foe as she is loving and generous as a friend.
Good weather continues to prevail as days lengthen, and before anyone can say "Bob's your uncle," spring will waken the world again. Mrs. Teabody trusts you have begun plans for gardens. Mrs. Teabody grows only a few vegetables as Duchess Tilly and Lord and Lady Henry maintain a massive vegetable garden at the ancestral home, but she has a deft hand when it comes to roses. Mrs. Teabody's father was inclined to stand in front of Mrs. Teabody's borders and declare, "You can't eat flowers!" but Mrs. Teabody always felt he harbored an unexpressed admiration for riotous blooms. Here is a peek at a wee bit of border:
Mrs. Teabody has been especially happy through the winter with the good showing of the hollies and even the spurge. Always hopeful, spurge. The herbal bed has done quite well through the winter and Mrs. Teabody is so glad she took Lady Sowers' advice about planting the rosemary as it is flourishing, and the thyme has never faltered. When Mrs. Teabody first planted the little garden in front of Tickle Your Fancy, she had no idea the pansies would fare so well, but she counted fourteen blooms yesterday. Here are some blooms in a caterpillar vase available in the shop. Are they not sweet?
Inside the shop, living things flourish because of the huge south east windows. The mandevilla has done so very well and has even produced seed pods!
Here in the northeast, Mother Nature has been kind throughout the winter, and while that rascally rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, has promised another FIVE weeks of winter, the end is in sight. So make yourself a cuppa, break out the seed catalogues and do visit and give your winter eyes a treat. Mrs. Teabody so enjoys growing things. She hopes you already have or soon will have something green to feed and show life's promise on even the darkest days. Enjoy this already sunny morning!
I love this one!!! You do have a way with words. I can't wait for spring!!!!!!!