Mrs. Teabody Makes Changes

Good Morning, Gentle Reader!  Did all your Valentine's Day dreams come true? Mrs. T. hopes they did. Mr. Teabody is ever romantic and "spot on" with his gift giving, and a lovely silver medallion reminiscent of Mayan culture now hangs lightly at Mrs. T's throat. Mrs. T regrets calling him a churl, and she regrets even more his behaving like one. His much more regal self is now firmly in place, and Mrs. Teabody adores him for it.

Mrs. Teabody wishes you could smell ( and Taste!) the delicious new tea with which she greets the day. It is  Tea Forte's "Cucumber Mint" and it tastes like summer. Lovely fragrance that puts all sorts of plans in motion in Mrs. Teabody's "grey matter." There is nothing like a few mild days to inspire change. One finds a new energy in this benign winter, an energy that needs to be directed at change.

First off,  it is time to "Think Spring" at TYF.  The need to un-decorate the bulkheads at Tickle Your Fancy is very strong. Lighted garland has been in place for  well over two months obscuring the fine collection of hats and hatboxes on display, and while Mrs. Teabody adores fairy lights at any time, their moment has come to an end. A lovely decorated wreath must also come down and two dozen red hearts need to be packed away for next February. Mrs. Teabody loves the idea of removing all vestiges of winter decoration even though the calendar says mid-February. Perhaps the influx of new beach-inspired items is to blame. Monday no fewer than five parcels arrived at Chez Teabody, all filled with treasures  from the Teabodys' New York City adventure and bought for you, Gentle Reader!

Most noteworthy are the  whimsical hand-painted clocks: teapots, flip-flops, giraffes, a cow ( so udderly silly!) a canary and a sailboat. They are all so amusing. So clever. Mrs. Teabody cannot imagine anyone who would not delight in them.

Who can be immune to the charms of Soaprockets? They are already quite popular as they are gorgeous and smell heavenly:

 TYF now carries light-hearted ( if weighty) pewter items: bags of charms, miniature magnets of hearts and sea  shells, the sweetest little ornaments. They will be hard to part with. For those who need a wardrobe lift, there are the new scarves: colorful with fanciful lace and ruffles, little pom-pons. Quel adorable!

There is so very much more, but perhaps Mrs. Teabody should stop and just allow you, Gentle Reader, to come see these treasures for yourself. Mrs. T receives daily compliments on how interesting everything is and  the Stoner building itself is  a delight to visit. So by all means, do stop by Tickle Your Fancy and Mrs. T will brew you a cuppa one of the extensive lists of teas on the shelves.
Change can be upsetting to some, but for most mortals, change can inspire new efforts, a new way of thinking, a fresh approach to an old problem. If you are stuck in a rut this morning, Gentle Reader, change something about yourself: your geography, your routine - - even something as small as your toothpaste. Look at the glorious world around you with fresh eyes, a new perspective, and embrace, once again,  the idea of infinite possibility. It's yours for the taking!

Ta, Darlings! 


  1. I love your advice!!! I am stuck in the rut of cleaning house today!! It is not my favorite thing to do!!!!!! I could follow your advice and have my husband enjoy the task of cleaning the bathrooms this week, but then becareful what you wish for!!!!! I think I'll find another way to change my routine.

    1. Mrs. Teabody assumes your domicile now fairly sparkles? Good. Take the rest of the day for yourself. :)


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