Mrs. Teabody Travels Afar

All Hands on deck!

Mrs. Teabody is teasing you, Gentle Reader. She should hope you snugly warm on this frigid morning, but she was thinking of her father this morning and his little Navy days sayings.  He was wont to call "All hands on deck" in his rich baritone voice to summon Mrs. Teabody and her siblings when he arrived home from work. Just a pleasant extension of a happy childhood dream that passed through Mrs. Teabody's little brain just a few hours ago. Mrs. Teabody hopes your dreams were peasant ones, and that today, Thursday, is a happy day for you. Do not forget to start your day with a nice hot cuppa. This morning Mrs. Teabody is having a delightful masala chai infused with warm milk and just a dot of honey. It is like having dessert for breakfast. This will be a special drink at Tickle Your Fancy all next week so do stop by.

Duchess Tilly and Mrs. Teabody have just returned from a sojourn to the shore and parlors of gaming. Mrs. Teabody is happy to report that her gaming purse as nearly as full as it was on departure day. Lucky times! Part of this adventure meant spending two nights in a fine hotel, forty stories in the air with a sweeping view of the leaden Atlantic. The only improvement Mrs. Teabody might suggest is replacing the Atlantic with the heavenly blue Caribbean, but that is fodder for another story . . . 

Do you know, Gentle Reader, that hotel holidays are one of Mrs. Teabody's favorite things since reading about Eloise? From Mr. Wikipedia, back from his own holiday, "Eloise is a six-year-old girl who lives in the 'room on the tippy-top floor' of the Plaza Hotel in New York City with her Nanny, her pug dog Weenie, and her turtle Skipperdee." Possibly you, Gentle Reader, are enamoured of hotel visits as well? One of the most glorious of all hotel features is room service breakfast, and nothing feels more pampering than having a gentleman wheel in the cart with the silver coffee pot and lovely white china with the fine gold band at the edge, the lovely little glasses of juice, single brilliant flower as frosting on the cake.   Seeing the cart, Mrs. Teabody always recalls a hotel stay with Mr. Teabody in Paris and the lovely croissants with just one jot of chocolate on the bottom. Such dreadful coffee, really, but who would complain in such a setting?  Is there anything that quite compares with starting one's day in an exciting city next to a loved one? Perhaps starting one's day at home next to a loved one? But of course . . . Gentle Reader, sometimes you are so amusing.

A little silver sliver of the waning wolf moon rampant on a deep blue and orange morning sky signals the time Mrs. Teabody must abandon this reverie for a day in the working world. Another wonderful start of another wonderful chance to embrace life with passion, imagination and a joyful heart. Do so, Gentle Reader. Adieu, Adieu!


  1. I really enjoyed your blog. I would love to read more about your stay in Paris!!!! It would be great to visualize a little of Paris in McConnellsburg, PA.
    I live in York County, PA. I would love to visit your place of business!!! Where are you located?

    1. Good Morning, Duchess York! Mrs. Teabody is delighted to make your acquaintance and quite pleased to tell you that Tickle Your Fancy is located at 110 Lincoln Way West so if you motor west on Route 30, you shall find us. And tea shall be made. Just for you. TYF also has a Facebook page! Hope to hear from you soon.
      Mrs. T.


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