Mrs. Teabody Rids Herself of Alarm Clocks

Good Morning, Gentle Reader! Mrs. Teabody hopes you are feeling refreshed, all "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" as a visiting family friend was wont to say. A fitting phrase for one who "greets" the day, do you not agree, Gentle Reader?

Mrs. Teabody should like to speak this morning about how glorious it is to rise from dreamland without the aid of an alarm clock. While Mrs. Teabody rarely takes more than six hours to feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, she has spent a major part of her life with an awareness  that the shrill sound of an alarm bell, buzz, BRRRRR always meant she  must ready herself for a day of work.  From teenage years on the farm where an alarm signaled the start of farm chores, to college days for early classes, to a lifetime of work which generally put Mrs. Teabody at her desk by 6:30 at the latest, Mrs. Teabody has greeted the day at the urging of a dastardly machine.  Now with her "career" finally behind her, Mrs. Teabody  awakens as she pleases. True, it is often long before "Dawn's rosy fingers" try anything spectacular, but the alarm clock has been banished from the sleeping chamber, and that is an excellent good thing. Mrs. Teabody knows that many of her Gentle Readers, still must endure the alarm clock's call to arms and she so wishes she could "do something." Alas, it is not in her "purview" as Lady Shumleywinks  is wont to say.

Mrs, Teabody's little shop, Tickle Your Fancy, does not open until 10:00 A.M., a most civilized hour, do you not agree, Gentle Reader? Mrs. Teabody so wishes you would stop by after your working day and take a comfortable chair in the tea room whilst Mrs. Teabody concocts an afternoon libation to put your case of "Hurry-Hurry, Ding-Ding" to rest. Truly. Five minutes and a relaxing cuppa Thai chai or Moroccan mint may put your world back on its pins straightaway. Lovely.

As all Gentle Readers will recall  from "Mrs. Teabody Goes Back to School," Mrs. Teabody attended a two-hour seminar about Quick Books yesterday. Suffice to say this was an "advanced users" seminar so Mrs. Teabody felt much like a nascent doctor  who just having received her first surgical knife watches a team of skilled surgeons locate and extricate a sand granule-sized tumor from the farthest reaches of someone's brain. It was not a terribly positive experience in a learning sense, but Mrs. Teabody's fellow classmates were charming and did not laugh up their sleeves at Mrs. Teabody's feeble attempts so there is that. Mrs. Teabody was encouraged to educate herself in the rudiments, and she knows the very person to help her. Perhaps Mrs. Teabody is thinking of you, Gentle Reader!

Gathering daylight signals the start of another glorious day. A few miles below, Mrs. Teabody discerns headlights from motor cars hurtling toward the village for the day's occupation. Wherever your occupation takes you today, Gentle Reader, do take note of all your many blessings and know that the day will come when you, too, can toss your alarm clock in the rubbish heap ( to be recycled:)). Ta for now!


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