Mrs. Teabody Goes Back to School

"A glooming peace this morning with it brings; 
   The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head  . . ."

Good Morning, Gentle Reader! Mrs. Teabody can see lights in the village below so she is hoping this means the ambient gloom of the past two days has lifted/is lifting.  For those wrestling with both shock and grief over the demise of such a beloved, internationally-known person, Mrs. Teabody sends condolences. Most assuredly, there will be brighter days ahead . . .

Some time ago Mrs. Teabody received an invitation to attend a "class" (Today!) which promises to make day-to-day bookkeeping at Tickle Your Fancy somewhat less daunting. In Mrs. Teabody's favor, it must be said that she keeps meticulous records,  cheerfully filling ledgers with her round, upright scrawl. Yes, Gentle Reader, no transaction, however miniscule, has escaped recording. The problem, of course, is taking all this data and assigning it to its proper niches. For example, stamps. Tickle Your Fancy does not require massive numbers of stamps but on the face of things, stamps, like notecards and stationery, seem perfectly suited for the "office supplies" bin. That is until one learns there is a "postage" bin. However, not all post office--- Mrs. Teabody adores the people at the village post office as they are always so amusing - -transactions fit in the "postage" bin. Truly. One must be a better navigator than Magellan to make sense of it all. Mon Dieu!

The class that is to put this quagmire to rights lasts a mere two hours. Two hours. Mrs. Teabody is alarmed by the brevity of it. Surely there will not be time enough to enjoy a nice cuppa and a scrummy jam bun AND learn all there is to know about bookkeeping as well. Not in two hours. Needless to say, Mrs. Teabody has been fretting for some time over her abilities to keep up. Usually, Gentle Reader, when the need arises to learn some computing machine strategy, Mrs. Teabody can rely on Mr. Teabody to take the reins. Usually.  Mrs. Teabody ADORES him for it as Mrs. Teabody herself likes to keep a head devoid of this type of knowledge so she can  better assimilate other more important knowledge such as rose propagation and the authenic rules of lawn tennis -- NOT the ones Lady Glass fabricates on the spot . . .

To the topic: Mr. Teabody is swanning off to a neighboring urban center to engage in commerce leaving Mrs. Teabody to her own devices. Such a quandry.  Mrs. Teabody  has had some unhappy experiences regarding the tempestuous computing machine and this morning for two drab hours she will languish under its dominion. The very thought draws moisture to Mrs. Teabody's eyes. She will be inconsolable soon if she stays on this topic so she must divert herself with something light. Perhaps some poetry from Mr. Donne  and a nice cuppa Casablanca Twist will put the world right.

Stiff upper lip.   Brighter days ahead. Two hours is hardly a lifetime, and perhaps something marvelous will come of all this.  Perhaps Mrs. Teabody will learn what goes in all the bins after all. Gentle Reader, you shall most assuredly know the outcome on the morrow.  Be ever so brave, Darlings! Ta!


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