Mrs. Teabody Tours the Town

Good Morning, Gentle Readers,

Mrs. Teabody trusts you have had pleasant slumber.  Often after a stressful day, sleep is elusive, but Mrs. Teabody finds a cup of herbal tea such as Tea Forte's Raspberry Nectar or Adagio's Berry Blues or Hush can help. Stop by Tickle Your Fancy to pick up a sample.

If you are charmed  by Christmas decorations and lights, then do visit  the little village of McConnellsburg where the Christmas spirit is made manifest through carefully planned and lovingly executed displays. First of all, the wreaths and snowflakes hanging above the town along Lincoln Way and Route 522  are just beautiful and heartwarming.  Mr. and Mrs. Teabody are so grateful to the Borough Council, the Chamber of Commerce and to the gentlemen who hang and remove the lights each year.

Mrs. Teabody is quite fond of neighbors' Summer and Shane ( and Kara!) Stiffler's wreath-in-every-window and pine roping with lights and ribbons display. Perfect on their lovely home. Just at the borough's edge, Better Days Animal League Thrift Shop is  wonderfully all aglow and Mrs. Teabody could not be happier that such a worthwhile endeavor is drawing such enthusiastic local support. Brilliant!  As always Tower Bank and F&M Trust are decked out in greenery and lights and look very pretty. Mrs. Teabody is especially happy when folks make the extra effort to festoon the street lights with greens and ribbons.  Smashing.

The Fulton House could not look any more festive and lovely day or night time. It is a town treasure. Mrs. Teabody is also quite fond of the two-story Christmas-tree effect at the hair salon on Lincoln Way East and at the eastern end of town at the corner of Reservoir Road, the Carlsons' home features an especially delightful array of lights as do several other homes  along the thoroughfare.

Could the town square look any prettier? No, it could not.  (Well, actually Mrs. Teabody would love to see a lighted tree, but she is not unreasonable enough to expect one to appear by  her mere wishing.) The Court House and United Methodist Church along with the offices/ historic buildings  belonging to Stanley Kerlin, Todd Alexander and Travis Kendall are all quietly beautiful. Travel west along Market Street and don't fail to note the home of Kirby Knepper beautifully lit with massive second-story wreaths,  a festive welcoming entryway and trees in two windows.

Mrs. Teabody ADORES this season that seems to bring out the best in everyone. Seeing the lights makes Mrs. Teabody hopeful of a bright year ahead. If you are in McConnellsburg, do remember to observe the lights and greenery, and if you happen to stroll along 110 Lincoln Way West, do take a moment to stop by Tickle Your Fancy and have a look at Mrs. Teabody's Christmas tree with the darling train beneath. Stay for a nice cuppa. Surely some of Mrs. Teabody's holiday spirit will find its way into your heart.

Ta for now my dearies. Sugar cookie scones tomorrow. Does Mrs. Teabody see a wee smile on your face? Let it shine!


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