Mrs. Teabody Catches Her Breath

 Good Morning, Gentle Readers,

Let Mrs. Teabody just take a moment or two to apologize to all the friends who have stood by through the past few months as activities kicked into a frenzy. Never would Mrs. Teabody have dreamed that her little woodland shop would find itself transported into the very epicenter of commerce. Dare I say it has been quite an adjustment. But, as the old chestnut goes, "Every cloud has a silver lining," and this has proven the case.

With many more shelves now, Mrs. Teabody will be able to share many more varieties of tea with her fellow imbibers. Mrs. Teabody has encouraged others to try Tea Forte's Flora, an especially fine hibiscus, and now Flora is among the most popular of teas.  

As you all well know, the word chai  means tea literally but on this side of the pond it more commonly refers to some combination of spices - - generally cardamon, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and pepper mostly served with milk and sugar. Mrs. Teabody encourages tea lovers of all ages to expand their repertory with chocolate chai and Thai chai. Adagio does these inventive blends with aplomb while Tea Forte offers the pepper-iest ( Mrs. Teabody just coined an awkward-sounding word) of chai mixtures in the prettiest lavender canister imaginable.

Mrs. Teabody is also happy to report that her good friend Duchess Doyle has purloined her grandson's delightful train to grace the window of Tickle Your Fancy throughout the Christmas season..

Mrs. Teabody has so many other happy experiences to relate, but Mr. Teabody is calling for his morning repast so she must bid you a fond farewell with a promise to return on the morrow.

Don't despair on a Monday morning. This is the most joyous season.



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