Mrs. Teabody Invents a new Scone

As most of you know, Floss is Mrs. Teabody's helpmate, and while she is indispensable when it comes to keeping Merrywoods tidy, sadly,  Floss eschews any and all baking chores. At no time of the year is this more obvious than now. Mrs. Teabody has found herself up to her fragrant elbows in flour and spices in recent days to produce a perfect fruitcake ( Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing) along with several flavors of scones.

Scones are the perfect accompaniment to tea. On the other side of the pond, one can find a teashop offering fresh scones with jam and clotted cream in almost any village. Those faraway kin use unprocessed flour, dairy butter and sultanas to produce airy, palm-sized cakes that are neither very sweet nor very savory. On this side of the pond, Americans insatiable desire for creativity in food  means an open season on flavor combinations. Mrs. Teabody will be offering at Tickle Your Fancy on Thursday and Friday her own clever creation: The Sugar Cookie Scone. To add to the dramatic unveiling, Mrs. Teabody will be offering REAL clotted cream. Mrs. Teabody thinks that Rooibos Vanilla tea will suit the flavor combinations down to the ground.

Now Mrs. Teabody must attend to matters of the morning, but surely you are so busy marking your social calendar for the scone unveiling that you have abandoned Mrs. T by now? You have not? Well, scoot, my darlings, or you shall find yourselves in the dreaded dentist's chair or in some faraway shopping mecca and miss out.

On the morrow, Mrs. Teabody will be making cogent observations regarding Christmas lights.

Ta for now


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