Mrs. Teabody Suggests You Make a List

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Here it is December 8 already ! December just flies by with all our to-ing and fro-ing, doesn't it? And it's not as though the laundry pile stops growing or the dust bunnies stop tripling in size almost overnight just because we are all getting ready for Christmas.

All last week Tickle Your Fancy was as busy as a beehive in summer as folks came by to purchase special presents. One gentleman had seven different women to buy for including his grandmother, mother, wife, and daughters. He spent well over an hour choosing his gifts, and each one was chosen with love and a desire to please the recipient.  As I wrapped each present, I thought about how pleased each woman will be when she opens her  personally-chosen gift. Mrs. Teabody herself ADORES presents and thinks  the current practice of exchanging gift cards takes away much of the surprise/delight of Christmas, or any other special occasion. Besides that, perhaps you are not aware of the billions of dollars invested in gift cards that have gone to waste. I'm pretty sure when you generously gave that gift card, you gave it with the idea it would be used. 

If you DO give a gift card--especially to an older person such as Mrs. Teabody, perhaps you will want to follow it up by taking the person out to enjoy spending it. Just an idea.

It is also very helpful--- some would say "IMPERATIVE" - - to make a list of the folks you want to remember this Christmas for their kindness and/or expertise -- the folks who help you keep your house clean or cut your hair or make sure your heavy mail is put on your porch. Maybe there is a fellow who always shovels your sidewalk after a snowstorm or a young man or woman who comes by in the summertime to help you weed your garden. If you are not certain of the person's taste, do a little sleuthing. My hairdresser - - who is also my friend - - is a gourmet cook and she will be getting a great selection of chef-ish gifts. The guy who helps in the summer likes good bourbon and he shall have it. A gift certificate to the person's favorite salon or massage therapist WILL GET USED.

Tickle Your Fancy is a gifts and tea shop in case you have never visited. If you have a tea-lover on your list, I can happily assemble a tea gift that will tickle him or her silly. Your Downton Abbey Fans will adore a Downton Abbey 6-pack. Iced tea lovers on your list? Charm them with a Takeya Flash Chill pitcher and a selection of teas. Scarves, jewelry,  and all manner of accessories are also available so do stop by and let me help you choose a perfect gift. We wrap. We ribbon. We even make little notes so you can remember what's in the bags.

 If you do nothing else to remember those folks who help you, a nicely written message  on a card is always appropriate.

 Mrs. Teabody herself ADORES presents--both the giving and the receiving.  Colorful wrapping around the surprise, the mystery waiting to be uncovered, the physiological response to thoughtfulness and love-- a fullness through the heart . . .

"You remembered." "You knew." "I LOVE this."

Mrs. Teabody hopes you, Gentle Reader, will give one perfect gift to someone you love this Christmas.

Embrace Thursday!


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