Mrs. Teabody Looks at Signs

Good Morning, Gentle Reader. There is not one vestige of light as Mrs. Teabody begins the day's missive, but having been out of doors already with  Duchess Ming, she knows it is yet another mild day, possibly dreary as  was yesterday. In the night there was the welcome sound of rain, and no one can describe just how happy that makes the roses, now bent on leafing out quickly. Yesterday Mrs. Teabody had occasion to travel to a nearby shire, a trip made glorious - - if slightly distracting because all the blossoming trees. Of all the trees, none is more spectacular than the twin  flowering magnolias at the west-most traffic light in Mercersburg. Soaring more than twenty feet in the air with branches tilting all the way to the ground, they are a traffic-stopper as much as is the hanging traffic light. The huge "Ron Paul for President" sign at the base is a "homey" touch, but Mrs. Teabody does wish it were not so prominently displayed as it will be very difficult for her to get a proper photograph later this morning when she trespasses onto the grounds. Till then, here is a reminder of how lovely a magnolia blossom is:

Tickle Your Fancy lacks proper signage, but this problem will soon be amended by two efforts. First, Mrs. Teabody's most talented niece, the Viscountess Cullen, is in the process of making a truly gorgeous stained glass sign to hang in the front window which shall match the original stained glass in the transoms. Here is a peek at the work in progress:

Isn't Mrs. Teabody lucky to know such a talented person? Two of the Viscountess' pieces already grace the living room windows at Chez Teabody----one of roses and one of calla lillies. Mrs. Teabody can scarcely contain her excitement about hanging such a lovely work of art.

The second attempt at signage was one of Mrs. Teabody's special purchases yesterday: a  largish sandwich board, a framed black "white board,"  to place on the sidewalk in front of Tickle Your Fancy to trip pedestrians forcing them inside the shop for sustenance. (A small attempt at humor, Gentle Reader.) Truly, the point is to share with the outside world the  shop's news of the day. Today's news shall be that the tea du jour is "Pride and Joy," an especially lively Earl Grey and a perennial favorite at TYF. Mrs. Teabody's most excellent good friend, Lady Doyle shall be dropping by to facilitate the art work for the sign. Do look for it as you pass by. Better still, step inside and share a cuppa.

Signs are everywhere, Gentle Reader. There are the obvious  man-made signs of desired commerce and industry, directional signs helping those who wish to explore the world, and signs promoting candidates or imploring visitors not to trespass. But the most interesting signs of all are Mother Nature's signs: mountains turning mauve as buds grow fatter - -soon to turn to leaves,  seas of daffodils, green shoots pushing through brown earth and flowering magnolia trees big enough to hide a two-story house. These signs are promises: a new cycle of life is about to begin, and it is yours for the taking, Gentle Reader. What are you waiting for?

Ta for now, Darlings!


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