Mrs. Teabody Investigates

Every book has some real life in it. I was never pursued by an evil twin clone, but everything else in MR. MURDER was pretty much out of my own life. ~Dean Koontz

'tis a rare thing indeed for Mrs. Teabody  to find herself banging about the keyboard whilst the Man in the Moon peeks over her shoulder, but last night was such a night, Gentle Reader. It was the perfect night for a most  diabolical crime. It was the perfect night for a murder . . . Attend: . . .

But where are Mrs. Teabody's manners? Mon Dieu! Good Morning, Gentle Reader.  Pleasant dreams?Anyone who found trouble finding slumber last night most assuredly did not celebrate a full day of mucking about in the posie beds followed by an extra dram of Chardonnay  along with the evening repast. Once Mrs. Teabody - - with the help of Floss, the ever wayward Floss - - sorted the master bedroom with a spring cleaning to rival all spring cleanings, Mrs. Teabody ( by herself!) squired the awkward comforter to the village where the laundry has the most massive machines, and before you can say, Bob's your uncle, Mrs. T had not only managed to  (narrowly) avert being converted to the another set of religious beliefs but was back at Chez Teabody and soon enough tackling the posie beds.

 First came the pulling of the spurge. Do you have spurge, Gentle Reader? Quite a nice hardy architectural plant through the winter but the big ones had served their purpose and now had to be consigned to compost. Not without their putting up quite a fight, however. As did the nepeta branches. And the peony leaves. And oh-so-many lamb's ears. And lamium. And monarda stalks. Among all this dead debris, however, were the sure signs of this part of the world coming back to life, including this darling little fellow.

Once all that was  tended to, it was time to take on the real goal of the day: pruning roses. Sad to say that time and initiative ran out leaving Mrs. Teabody about one third of her way through.  Nonetheless a bit of a triumph for mid March, do you not concur, Gentle Reader?

Mrs. Teabody delights in the outdoors, but being out of doors observing the goings on is not without its dangers. Perhaps you recall an earlier missive in which Mrs. Teabody observed some inexplicable events?

Mrs. Teabody Gets Caught in a Drizzle (And an Intrigue?)

Well, Gentle Reader, without tipping her cards too much, suffice to say that activity of a suspect nature has resumed and arrangements have been made for Thruppence Teabody to return to sleuthing. Yes, it once again involves the Ferrous household, though for the purposes of fiction, they shall be newly appended. And there is a murder. In truth, there are two. Has your interest been piqued, Gentle Reader?

The creative urge is strong this morning-- perhaps set in motion by the changing season--like sap rising to branches.  Mrs. Teabody hopes your creative energies are sparking as well, Gentle Reader? Perhaps your own rising energies will give birth today to a culinary creation, a yarn or wood project, a lovely watercolor. Perhaps you will just add a few more blueberries to your oatmeal? However your spring "sap" manifests itself,  please don't ignore it . . . How could you?

Ta for now!


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