Mrs. Teabody Takes on Dr. Oz and his "Two-Day Wonder Cleanse"

Good Morning, Gentle Reader! Mrs. Teabody is far from her usual amiable state as she has been victimized once again by technology and the morning's carefully constructed and lengthy missive to you is languishing somewhere in cyber Never-Never Land, finding Mrs. Teabody back in the starting blocks, older, wiser, but far from being cleansed. More like being fleeced, truth to tell. By her own hands, at that. Attend. If, like Mrs. Teabody, a beach holiday is part of your future plans, and if, like Mrs. Teabody, your figure shows some want of "slimming," perhaps you have heard of Dr. Oz's "Two-Day Wonder Cleanse." Dr. Oz is the engaging gent who will speak to any and all embarrassing questions about the functions of the human body. Mrs. Teabody still rues the day when she heard the word "poop" used on national television, but today Mrs. Teabody will speak of the ethereally thin Dr. Oz and his "Wonder" cleanse. With what abandon di...