Mrs. Teabody Ruminates

~  from Shakespeare's"Winter's Tale" Act 2 Scene 1

HERMIONE: " What wisdom stirs amongst you? Come, sir, now 
    I am for you again: pray you, sit by us. And tell 's a tale. 

MAMILLIUS: Merry or sad shall't be? 

HERMIONE: As merry as you will. 

MAMILLIUS: A sad tale's best for winter: I have one of sprites and goblins. 

HERMIONE: Let's have that, good sir. 
    Come on, sit down: come on, and do your best 
    To fright me with your sprites; you're powerful at it. 

MAMILLIUS: There was a man-- 

HERMIONE: Nay, come, sit down; then on. 

MAMILLIUS: Dwelt by a churchyard: I will tell it softly; 
    Yond crickets shall not hear it. 

HERMIONE: Come on, then, 
    And give't me in mine ear. "

Good Morning, Gentle Reader, from this snowy, ice-encased mountain retreat where everyone's bundled up in robes and socks against the chill air, kept that way by the ever vigilant  and thrifty Mr. Teabody. Hot tea steams the air above the lovely bone china mugs thoughtfully gifted to "Her Ladyship" and "His Lordship" from the Duchess Carol this Christmas, and both the odious cat and the Duchess Ming have taken to the wild out-of-doors against the better judgement of all. BRRRRRRRRRR!

Mrs. Teabody adores the works of Mr. William Shakespeare and had the great good fortune to share her love with any number of students over the years, some with arguably better results than others. (Snort) In the charming scene included above, Hermone is speaking to her young son Mamillius, and in these few brief lines, Shakespeare conveys the deep love and regard between mother and son preparing the reader/playgoer  for the inevitable calamity ahead and, wonderfully, the  ending triumph of love over hatred. Mrs. Teabody is very much in a Shakespeare frame of mind as the next huge event in Mrs. Teabody's life is a planned reunion with Naomi, Gary and Rachel Kirby  in just a couple of weeks. Naomi is described in this entry:;postID=2903213731012750592

In 1989 Naomi was also selected as a Shakespeare scholar and her seat mate as she flew from New Orleans to London was the aforementioned Gary Kirby from "the land down under" who called upon her a week or so later in Stratford-upon-Avon. As Naomi was plagued with the fanciful notion that Gary may be a hatchet murderer, she invited Mrs. Teabody and the Duchess Non along on a sojourn to Wales--a memorable escapade whose memory provides vivid images all these years later. Not so very long after that fateful summer, Gary Kirby visited this little hamlet ingratiating himself to the locals with his wit and bonhomie and nattering on endlessly about Naomi. After one or two hours of listening to "Naomi this" and "Naomi that," Mrs. Teabody sagely advised that it was fruitless  for Gary to pour his feelings into Mrs. Teabody's ears when Naomi should be the one hearing her virtues praised, In far less time than it takes John Boehner to act like an intelligent life form, Gary was wending his way to New Orleans where Naomi was (eventually) persuaded to leave her career, friends and family behind and strike out a new life in "OZ." With Gary.  There was a lovely reunion in NYC for the "Wales group" including memorable meals at the Oyster Bar and Tavern on the Green and soon afterward the Kirbys had an announcement. The addition of their lovely daughter Rachel made them a full-fledged family and Mrs. Teabody has enjoyed hearing of their adventure-filled life ever since. Soon the Kirbys will arrive in NYC and weather permitting on Saturday, January 12, they will wend there way here. Mrs. Teabody beams every time she thinks of it. Anticipation IS a great joy!

Christmas was a bit marred for Mrs. Teabody because of a nagging illness, but everyone must agree that the snowfall on Christmas Eve was a brilliant, memorable delight that softened the hard edges of the world just enough, slowing everyone down a bit  -- certainly long enough to see beauty everywhere. To reflect on this blessed season. To anticipate  brighter days that most assuredly lie ahead.

There is a new tea in your future, is there not? Come visit at Tickle Your Fancy! Ta for now!


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