Mrs. Teabody Goes Shotgun: Tea and Cars

Could this be the right car?
Greetings, Gentle Readers, on this balmy December morning, and if the forecast changes today's wardrobe selection, just know that this is, after all, December and the lower temps will return soon enough.  Yesterday was a grand day for "putting up" outdoor lights and  if the resulting overall effect at Chez Teabody leaves a lot to be desired, and if  the experience has placed a bit of a  strain on the Teabodys' usual conviviality, one simply chalks this up to necessity. Chez Teabody should not put on a face of dour disregard for this festive season. Mon Dieu! Mrs. Teabody thanks all gentle readers for their seasonal displays. Much appreciated.

Good news for all you tea lovers! The tea ship has sailed into the Tickle Your Fancy harbor so do plan to visit soon to scoop up all the new teas. First of all, there are the tried and true Earl Greys and rooibos teas but the shelves are also newly filled with ambrosial delights such as "After Seven" (like an "After Six" dinner mint and "Gingersnap Cookie" which tastes just like . . . you guess!  "Irish Whiskey Creme"  --  that Bailey's wannabe is waiting for you . You may think you don't like chai, but "Chocolate Chai" and/or "Thai Chai" will change your mind. Mrs. Teabody has never carried Formosa Oolong at TYF, but you owe it to yourself to try this crisp tea. And, finally, just in time for Christmas there is "Cinnamon Tea" to notch up your happiness quotient! All these tea treats range in price from $6 to $8 --- a bargain in terms of enjoyment. Do come soon to sample!

Mrs. Teabody's quest for a new car was once again set in motion by an ad for a Hyundai Veloster so she quickly made an appointment for a test drive yesterday. Alas, this tiny Veloster will not comfortably accommodate four sisters  out for a jaunt, but the resourceful salesman would not be daunted by Mrs. Teabody's desire for a car  that was dependable and comfortable but one with a sense of style as well. Voila! Mrs. Teabody was placed behind the wheel of a fully loaded Elantra GT shown above. This is a fun car to drive, and it is not an assault on Earth's resources. Your feedback, Gentle Reader?

Christmas is in the air at TYF so do stop by and see what wonderful gift choices await your discerning eye. Try some new tea and have a look at some photos Mrs. Teabody has snapped across the past year. One or two may even be a picture of you!

Exit singing:  "Don we now SUM-mer apparel; falala falala, la, la, la . . ." Ta for now, Darlings!


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