Mrs. Teabody Laughs Out Loud

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.”  Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Good Morning, Gentle Reader where at this early hour, all is quite dark. The Christmas tree lights sparkle and each window holds a glimmering light, and the house is redolent of pine boughs and cloves, and a wonderful sense of expectancy hangs in the air. Mrs. Teabody has said time and time again that Christmas is the very best season of all, and what is the best season of all without many smiles? Without much laughter?

Mister Teabody is what was often referred to in another time as a card: a person who attracts attention by his wit. Mister Teabody  has the ability to put a smile on Mrs. Teabody's face at least a dozen times a day in at least half a dozen different ways. An E-mail  will ping its arrival on Mrs. Teabody's computer and  upon opening it, she will  find a  laugh-out-loud-worthy cartoon or  video Mr. Teabody wished to share. When Mrs. Teabody is deliberately ignoring Mr. Teabody because of some very good reason, Mr. Teabody will engage the odious cat or the Duchess Ming in a dialogue that involves talk of Mrs. Teabody's disdain in such a way that  never fails to tickle Mrs. Teabody's sensibilities.  And she forgives him. Almost always. At dinner, in the car, at a party among friends, Mr. Teabody cracks a little joke or makes an unexpected and delightful observation, and Mrs. Teabody leaves her frowny face behind and enters into a happier state of mind. 

 Mrs. Teabody mentions this often under-valued personality trait to any and all who are setting out to give their hearts away any time soon. While it is true that most people would find it somewhat off-putting to sit across the breakfast table from a partner bearing two heads or to enjoy the opera with a partner who smells to the Antipodes, many shortcomings fade to near nothingness  when that candidate has a great sense of humor. A sense of humor is a PRICELESS quality to look for in a human being with whom you will share the biggest part of your life. 

In A Christmas Carol when Ebenezer Scrooge looks back upon his PAST life, he recalls influential people, and none delights Mrs. Teabody's heart more than Mr. Fezziwig. Why, the very name Fezziwig  spoken aloud makes one smile. Fezziwig was ever optimistic and kind, and his enterprises were never as financially successful as they could have been because he was generous with others and knew that playing was at least as important as working -- a sharp contrast to Ebenezer Scrooge's austere business practices with Bob Cratchit, begrudging him  time with his family and the benefit of heat a small lump of coal could have provided. Do you wish to be remembered as a person as stingy as Scrooge or as generous as Fezziwig? Mrs. Teabody sees many, many Fezziwigs among you. Which also makes her smile.

Mrs. Teabody urges you to lighten your heart every day doing whatever it takes to bring a  happy smile to your face. Look at genuinely funny cartoons and  watch lighthearted or uplifting films such as Finding Nemo or A Toy Story or Mrs. Doubtfire.  Shove the violent video games and films into your deepest closet and LOCK THE DOOR. Better still, destroy them. What good have they ever done for you? Really. This is the season of life and hope. You can only feel its full glory if you replace hatred with love. Do something that makes you smile. Find someone who makes you laugh out loud and take that person into your heart of hearts. You will never regret it.


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