Mrs. Teabody tries "Ceylon Gold"

Hello Again!

Just had my four o'clock tea and I dare say Mrs. Teabody is quite the adventuress this afternoon, choosing to imbibe ICED tea and of quite a unique nature--one of the new Tea Forte teas called Ceylon Gold. Shades of the 60's???  Nothing QUITE so daring, but this nice black tea provides quite a  lift. Nice hearty flavor  and very pure. Mrs. Teabody rates it a 4 on a scale of 1 to 5.

MISTER Teabody was kind enough to hang the Boston ferns on the veranda this afternoon, and it was the very touch wanted. Mrs. Teabody  is convinced enough of the power of such an enhancement that she plans to take an hour there now with her Kindle.

Remember what Mrs. T. always says : Whatever your evening plans may be, they will be better with a cup of tea. Ta Ta, Darlings!


  1. I really like your blog. This is a great way for us to read your enchanting writing style, learn about the shop, and keep connected to my good friend!!! Best of luck with it!!! I'll be there for the open house!!!


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