Mrs. Teabody, Duchess Tilly and Lady Shumleywinks Take a Holiday

Oh, Dear Heaven, Mrs. Teabody does apologize for disappointing her loyal readers who drop in each morning. A thousand apologies, my Darlings!

Truth to tell, Mrs. Teabody has taken a brief and whirlwindy sojourn with her siblings, Duchess Tilly and Lady Shumleywinks to the province of Delaware for some summertime diversion. Duchess Tilly is something of a savant with motor cars and Lady Shumleywinks a miracle at navigation so Mrs. Teabody was devoid of responsibilities other than to contribute her fine unflappable good nature and razor-sharp wit to the outing. Mrs. Teabody strongly suspects those rather sterling qualities are the reason for her inclusion.

Mrs. Teabody shan't divulge the intimate details of the outing, but suffice to say that being so far removed from one's own tea kettle and nob can be quite disconcerting. Luckily, Mrs. Teabody had the forethought to take along some delicious Tea Forte Flora for her foursies and her elevenses, and that warm familiar goodness took the edge off all the strangeness.

Mrs. Teabody is quite delighted to be back in the company of Mr. Teabody whose witty repartee she will now enjoy.

Until the morrow, Dearies, Ta!


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