Mrs. Teabody Gets Caught in a Drizzle (And an Intrigue?)

Morning Dearies,

Mrs. Teabody's spirits are on the dampish side this morning as she, Lady Glass and  the Duchess Ming had their daily perambulation marred by a ghastly drizzle leading the party to a frenzied and feverish dash for cover taken on the veranda of Lady Blackthorne's vacation cottage. From that vantage point  the domicile of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrous was clearly in view and the most disturbing series of events ensued. Allow Mrs. Teabody to share.

 The Ferrous family have an enormous but gentle-natured canine named Lord Percy who is very good chums with Duchess Ming. The two have enjoyed numerous merry romps. On this grey dawn, however,  Lord Percy was nowhere within  view. Odder still was that the motor car belonging to Mrs. Ferrous' mother was parked somewhat haphazardly nearby. Wherever could Mr. Ferrous be?

 As Lady Glass, Mrs. Teabody and Duchess Ming began their homeward journey, they encountered the motorcar belonging to Mr. Ferrous' mother heading toward the Ferrous' home post haste. All this activity led to a spate of conjecture among the three with Lady Glass concluding that something was amiss. Not more than five minutes later, Lady Glass, Mrs. Teabody and the Duchess had to spring sharply from the path as a motor car driven by Mrs. Ferrous came roaring through. Perplexing, Gentle Reader? An intrico? Mrs. Teabody does hope this is NOT the start of another  murder case. July is such an odious month for enquiry, do you not agree?

For the moment, Mrs. Teabody is putting her nerves to rest with a largish cup of Tea Forte's Lavender Citrus done hot - - the very thing to curb anxiety and to analyze the mystery surrounding the Ferrous household.
Do have a care today, my Dearies! Ta!


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