Mrs. Teabody Takes to the Rails

Good Morning from arguably one of the most enchanted-looking locations in the UK St. Ives, County Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. Lady Glass and Mrs. Teabody boarded the 8:57 train at Paddington and three (shared!) martinis and five hours later arrived at this most charming of seaside towns. En route Lady Glass had the chance to realize a long-held dream of a train ride through the English countryside, and Mrs. Teabody is happy to report that Mother Nature, First Great Western and the English countryside all conspired to deliver the dream in spades. One could not have hoped for lusher trees and fields, more sparkling streams and lakes, a more generous sprinkling of stately homes and proud cottages, a better distribution of sheep, cows, horses and fowl or a smarter set of place names be it Leylant Saltings, Slough, Dawlish Warren, or Torbay. Fewer billboards touting Vodaphone, perhaps, and more chalk horses against mountainsides above bucolic villages such as Westbury, but these are small quibbles, indeed. Lady Glass was all eager traveler taking delight in the ever-changing landscape from her comfortable post next to a huge, clean, unobstructed view of it all.

Mrs. Teabody adores mass transit. Perhaps it was the egalitarian nature of her upraising that wants great cities and charming hamlets to be easily accessible to everyone. What keen satisfaction to walk into a great train station such as Paddington and to realize that all of England is just the purchase of a ticket away. How wonderful it is to look at a map of the Underground, the “Tube,” and plot one’s short journey to remarkable places such as Saint Paul’s Cathedral, the Tate Modern, the Royal Albert Hall or just somewhere exotic-sounding like Elephant and Castle without having to own a motor car. Of course, all of America is in love with their personal motor cars, but perhaps like Mrs.Teabody you are one that takes little delight in setting out on a journey constantly at the mercy of the drivers of eighteen-wheelers or daredevils not entirely certain which lane they wish to drive in but cocksure that finding that lane will be at your particular discomfort. When it comes to getting from Point A to Point B, Mrs. Teabody will opt for the least perilous of means.

Today marked the beginning of the use of the BritRail passes Lady Glass and Mrs. Teabody purchased in the wintry clutches of February. What happens in the next few days as those rail passes enjoy employment may be far-fetched, whimsical, even a bit mad, but each rail journey will be a reminder of what rail travel can be and how much more fun any journey can be when one does not have a steering wheel in one’s hands.
Ta for now!


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