Mrs. Teabody Ruminates

~ from Shakespeare's"Winter's Tale" Act 2 Scene 1 HERMIONE: " What wisdom stirs amongst you? Come, sir, now I am for you again: pray you, sit by us. And tell 's a tale. MAMILLIUS: Merry or sad shall't be? HERMIONE: As merry as you will. MAMILLIUS: A sad tale's best for winter: I have one o f sprites and goblins. HERMIONE: Let's have that, good sir. Come on, sit down: come on, and do your best To fright me with your sprites; you're powerful at it. MAMILLIUS: There was a man-- HERMIONE: Nay, come, sit down; then on. MAMILLIUS: Dwelt by a churchyard: I will tell it softly; Yond crickets shall not hear it. HERMIONE: Come on, then, And give't me in mine ear. " Good Morning, Gentle Reader, from t...