Mrs. Teabody Keeps a Journal: Day 7 Sorry, Rob Lowe

Wednesday, April 1

Just give us a moment, Ladies. Take your time. I mean, what are you going to do that is all that important? This is an actor named Rob Lowe. Perhaps you've heard of him?

Well. This was to be OUR weekend. Ever since I got the call from my favorite casino telling me that I could have two complimentary tickets to see Rob Lowe in his one man show, I've been, well, preparing myself. After all when does a person like myself--so elderly, so rural - - get the chance to see such a talented actor in person?

Me: I'll need a seat in the front.
Agent: Where in the front?
Me. First row, dead center. This could be OUR only chance.
Agent: (laughing hysterically) Oh, I see. Of course. What exactly do you like about him?
Me: Oh, his acting. Definitely his acting.
Agent: He IS pretty easy on the eyes.
Me: Really? I don't believe I've ever noticed.

Later when I told my sister, she had the same reaction.  
Me: I got tickets to see Rob Lowe.
Sister: Really? He's a hunk.
Me. A hunk? Whatever do you mean?
Sister: He's on "911 Austin" and the other night a lady met him for the first time and the first words out of her mouth were: "Well now. God took some extra time making you, didn't He?"
Me: You know, I never really noticed his looks,
Sister: Well, your nose just grew a couple inches.
Yet another pivotal moment is laid waste by Covid 19. And me---instead of watching Rob Lowe act on stage this weekend, I get to  stay in confinement asserting my dominance over the wannabe residential mice and testing tea. Some things are simply not destined to be.  I am so sorry, Rob. Let's soldier on.

All of today's teas are black teas and they are all teas that I love. As a slightly different approach, I will recommend these teas to some other well known and not-so-well-known folks. Here we go.

Fearless in Ireland: Black tea; a quick-brewing Irish Breakfast blend that will keep you on your toes. This tea was named for Philip Jones, our favorite son of Ireland who has driven my travel buddies and me around the perimeter of Ireland. "Fearless" would be happy with the depth and flavor of the tea named in his honor.

Fulton County Christmas:  Black tea, orange peels, cinnamon and cloves in a fragrant, delectable mixture that keeps everyone who drinks it in a holiday mood. Rob would like this one.

Ina Garten:  China Pu erh, black tea China, lemon pieces, cornflower petals. Just like the gal who gives this tea its name, it had to be perfect. This is an earthy pu-erh loaded with lemons and vanilla. How wonderful is that? Ina. Ina. Ina. Nobody fina.

Irish Whiskey Creme: Black Assam tea with cocoa bits, Bailey’s Irish Cream flavoring. It’s a party! And if Van Morrison could be in the area for the party, well, we are at the ready, Van.

Lady Grey: For some Grey lovers, this is the ultimate with its fusion of sublime black tea with orange peels, lavender, and cornflowers. Try it! I realize this gal is awfully busy but I can see Dolly Parton enjoying this fragrant cuppa.
I read this little blog to my sister and she said, "Well, that's pretty stupid. No one will want to read any of that. The pictures of Rob Lowe are good, though."

Really? I hadn't noticed. But I do know Rob would want EVERYONE to stay in place and get this  hibernation over with so that life, the future, can go on without further disappointment. Stay well, my dears. Drink your tea.


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