Mrs. Teabody Keeps a Journal Day 8: Coro-nizzard*

Today is Friday even though this was written on Thursday but (regrettably) not published. Friday. Remember that. Five for Friday Please take note: If you know me at all, you know that I take our present situation seriously. However, there are far better NEWS sources than I out in the wide media world that will provide factual, well-researched data (by scientific methods) in a manner you can depend on. My little journal is about coping with the world as I see it, no more, no less. --Mrs. Teabody Tea Tastings and Napping Strategies Coro-nizzard? It's the weekend in case you haven't noticed. Each morning a photo pops up on my little device capturing the date years before. If my device can be trusted, the photo above is from April 2018. Snow covered the patio and picnic table completely changing our lunch plans. Seeing all this snow reminded me that the past three weeks are unlike anything in my experience except for blizzards and snowstorms in the 1990s that left us...