
Showing posts from March, 2020

Mrs. Teabody Keeps a Journal: Day 6: Invasion

Today is Tuesday, March 31 See clearly now It has come to my attention that my tea samplings are taking a second fiddle to my other ramblings so let's dive right into tea on this Tuesday which I think is actually Day #6 of tastings but Day #14 of social distancing.  There is no quiz on any of this, of course, so let  any and all of those numbers slide right out of your pretty little noggin. As this is Day #6 of tea samplings that means with the conclusion of today's selected teas, I have shared 30 teas with you. That's a lot, even for me so after today we will take a break for a day or three because April 30 is a while down the pike. In fact, we've not even tapped into our new (and hopefully, better) month.  The very good thing is that I have had the opportunity to re-acquaint myself with all the teas I offer in my quaint little NONESSENTIAL shop -- more on that later. Let's drink some tea, starting off with two traditional black teas Earl Grey Pride an...

Mrs. Teabody Keeps a Journal: Day 5

It's Monday. Try to keep up. 'tis in my memory locked- Hamlet  It is along Back Run Road each spring--even the springs which are cancelled - - that I make the determination of the optimum day for seeing magnolia trees and I base this determination on the tree pictured below in the front lawn on what we call (informally) Clevenger Corner. Here below is the lovely Clevenger Magnolia . It's a beaut. And this morning I found it blooming at its peak. I mention all this because no Magnolia Day passes that I don't immediately make a trip to neighboring Mercersburg to have a gander at  my other favorite magnolia tree. Beth's Magnolia Here's a look at the favorite Mercersburg Magnolia blooming full tilt--a bit washed out because I photographed it around 11 instead of the perfect time some four hours before. Still, it is a stunner.  Don't you agree? Just now  this gorgeous house behind the Mercersburg Magnolia is unoccupied but it IS under ...

Mrs. Teabody keeps a Journal Day 4: Shattered Dreams

It's Sunday. Do you know where you are? Spring 2020 is cancelled “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” Robert Burns  These restless pandemic nights are easily interrupted by the slightest noise as our senses are geared round-the-clock for impending disaster of one sort or another. So when a couple dings came across on my cell which was recharging on my nightstand in the night, I quickly noted the time --2:30 A.M. -- and with my heart in my throat opened my phone to see what was up. I was much relieved to see that it was a series of three E-mails from our online travel company and I came to full awareness quickly realizing this was news about my trip to Cornwall and London with friends in late April. I almost didn't want to read it . . . but the news is final: our trip that has been in the planning stages since June 2019 has been cancelled. No spring trip for the band But let's back up a couple weeks to Thursday evening, March 12. We pla...

Mrs. Teabody Keeps a Journal Day 3

Today is Saturday. * You either get it or you don't. :) Fragile? Yes* Did you know if you boil a funny bone, it becomes laughing stock? Just when you think you cannot get any more overly-wrought with the current plague, you are awakened in the middle of the night with -- what else, Myrtle? A thunderstorm with lots of rumbles and flashing lights! Good grief!  If one can say ANYTHING good about an unexpected kick in the emotional keister, one can say this particular storm was relatively short lived. Not. A. Fan. What I am a fan of is humor, and I suspect if you are reading this, then you are a fan of humor as well. Like ourselves, our counterparts  in Cornwall, England are looking for ways to combat boredom/anxiety and deemed it appropriate to put on their ball gowns to empty the (garbage) bin. You can see just how cute they are right here. Watching the good folks of Cornwall made me think how muc...

Mrs. Teabody Keeps a Journal Day 2

Today is Friday. Information is power. " My little enterprise will attempt to lighten the mood by capturing moments of no consequence whatsoever." Mrs. Teabody For all the youngsters out there, a little piece of advice. There will come a time in your life when you'll be sitting in your physician's examination room with a health care professional who, after weighing and measuring you and taking your blood pressure and pulse, will suddenly look you straight in the eye and ask, "Can you tell me what day it is?" followed quite quickly by, "And can you tell me what today's date is?" Mental scrambling begins as you search desperately for some reminder and suddenly your brain starts to fire. Associations begin. "Well, the garbage man came yesterday so I'm pretty sure it's . . . Thursday?"  The health care professional smiles benignly. Your whole body momentarily relaxes before remembering there was a second question. This...