Mrs. Teabody Encourages You to Think about Blooms

"Where would we be without our tea?"

 Hello, March!  Do you hold your breath every morning wondering what surprises the weather will bring? After the most erratic February in memory, you might indeed  have just cause. But here we are at the front door of March and we are going to be hopeful. Today we are all about tea and posies--blooms if you will.

The past two days have been busy at Tickle Your Fancy as parcel after parcel arrived-- all delivered by the charming  and popular UPS gentleman who was persuaded to have a freshly-baked scone yesterday. At least once a month we try to add to the already extensive menu of teas available at  TYF. Just five short years ago, we first heard the name Pu-erh. This fermented tea is pronounced Pooh-air, and one of its descriptors is "warm hay in a barn." Oh, my! How perfectly odd we thought at the time. However, we now carry at least three versions of Pu-erh in loose form. Mrs. Teabody rather enjoys this savory tea especially the one called Ina Garten infused with lemon and vanilla. You just might enjoy it as well.

A loyal tea friend dropped by with a brand new tea completely outside my realm of experience. It is Milk Oolong, and it is most unusual. It is described as "buttery" and it does smell like butter. I brewed a press of this for my cousin David and we had a ball watching the tightly-rolled leaves unfurl. What a sight! We brewed it exactly to specs and  savored the unique experience. As this tea is a bit more expensive than most, we shall save this up for a tea tasting day and see what YOU think.  Watch for it.

Are you starting to see the first spring blooms push through? Is there anything more hopeful than spring blooms? If you love growing flowers, you'll want to keep your eyes and ears peeled for a county-wide initiative called Fulton County in Bloom and a county wide art contest called Flower Power. July will  also bring an art show and  . . .maybe even a food faire.  And that white fence across from TYF. You are going to be dazzled. So stay tuned.

No other beverage experience quite matches up to a perfectly-brewed cup of first quality tea. With its steamy fragrance and delightful flavor, tea can make even the dreariest day somehow brighter and easier to bear. It can even marginally quell a fear, induce calm and make your eyes shine.  If you're not making tea AND  plans, maybe today is the day to start?  On Friday March 2,  I'll be sharing new tea and maybe something interesting to nibble. Let's talk and sip. Together.


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