Mrs. Teabody Shares the Best of 2015

Here it is New Year's Eve 2015 . . . already. For all you youngsters out there, remember this: time speeds up exponentially past age 50 and continues to fly by faster and faster with every passing year. Why it seems like just yesterday I said to J: “Are we doing anything for New Year's?”
 Either he was in the garage and could not hear me or else he was in the office simply ignoring me because there was no answer. Well, there may have been a little derisive snort, but that could also have been the furnace acting up.  No matter. We have NO plans. We are not New Year's Eve people. No apologies. If YOU have a big celebration planned, have a blast! We know we can count on  a fair amount of gunfire echoing along the mountain and down in the valley to announce the arrival of 2016. That is fine with us. We are too old to play dodge cars after midnight.

One of the unavoidable aspects of New Year's Eve is a little reflection on the passing year, and this technological age provides a pictorial history even when your own brain can't fathom last night's dinner menu or where you left your toothbrush.

2015 certainly had some high points and here are some of our highest-- Mrs. Teabody's Best of 2015 as it were.

1. Best vacation: Was it the three nights at the Eliza Thompson House in Savannah? The week-long rental of Casa Luna Turquesa on the Caribbean Sea? Perhaps the shared villa, Long Bay Beach House in Terres Basin, Saint Maarten? All of these were exquisite and memorable but the nine days in the UK with visits to York, the Midlands and Edinburgh, Scotland nose out the others for fun and adventure. Here are the best companions on departure day.

2. Best new experience. This is easy. The escape room at in York arranged by Tasha Skiles put us all in places we'd never been before wracking our brains at sorting clues. Exhilarating and fun and totally working against the clock! Wow!

3. Best purchase. It could have been my first new winter coat in twenty years or the massive leather handbag discounted beyond belief, but the truth is I finally have a car that truly suits me-- a practical, reliable, small, fun car that is a pleasure to drive and that allows me to haul all manner of crap around. Beep, beep.

4. Best bite in a restaurant. We eat out a lot – partly because it's less wasteful and partly because we're lazy. We also eat out because we LOVE great food and we are lucky to try so many places. Up for consideration are the exquisite raspberry beignet at Sarafina's in Marigot, Rules' traditional roast with horseradish slaw, the mussels with gorgonzola and sriracha at 10/9 Kitchen  and the duck breast with duck confit at the Mercersburg Inn. Close but in the end, Rules rules. That horseradish slaw. (SIGH)

5. Best Bite in a private dwelling. No contest. The Wakefield team delivers consistently GREAT, imaginative and amazing food in the most comfortable of settings. If you get invited to the BBIFC, go. You will love it.

6. Best music experience. The Western Maryland Blues Fest with Hamilton Loomis is ALWAYS a highlight but HL got blown away from first place by performances at Allenberry Resort during the David E Baker Scholarship trust dinner and concert. And the year ended on a high note-- pun intended-- and some of the BEST music of the year with Blitz Dynette  at the Carlisle Elks in the company of some wonderful friends. If you get the chance, go have a listen.

7. Best book of the year. Just deleted a pretty negative paragraph about BAD books but this is about bests. My best read of 2015 was a split vote on tried-and-true Colin Dexter, Martha Grimes and Ruth Rendell. 2016 is going to be devoted to nonfiction. Maybe. I was given three books of poetry for Christmas. Stay tuned.

8. Most consistent good time in a group. Again this is an easy one. The Golden Girls—my friends from high school – meet on an almost monthly basis to celebrate . . . something. It's ALWAYS smile-provoking and easy as pie whether we're cruising New York City, gaming at a casino, “glamping” at Bonnie's summer place or just sharing stories in a restaurant or at one of our homes. I would not miss one. This year we toured the Christmas-bedecked home of Bonnie's daughter which made me ashamed of my paltry efforts. You gals are the BEST!

9. Best Christmas party: Once a year we stay up past midnight for the annual Christmas Eve party with Lindsay and Lex in their beautiful and festive home. The tree is a masterpiece, the food exquisite, the company lively and entertaining and the hosts welcoming. It would not be Christmas if I didn't share a White Russian with Lindsay inside her beautiful home. A million Thanks.

10. Best family and friends: First of all, I got lucky being born into my family with three brothers and three sisters, all of whom remind me daily of what exactly it means to be a family. They are my lifeline, my net, my raison d'etre. As for my friends, where do I begin? Where would I be without their/your words of wisdom and encouragement, your funny text messages, your marathon phone calls, your lively and inventive E-mails, your short and/or long visits, our casino adventures, our tea chats, your shared links on Facebook - - all of which let me know that you value me as much as I value you and your friendship and the joy you bring to me. For my friends who are facing health obstacles, I pray for  your healing and strength in the weeks ahead. You are always so much a part of my thoughts

Best friend award: Mr. Teabody. For 15 years I have shared a home with my best friend in the world who also happens to be my husband. There isn't a single day of the week when he does not do something to make my life easier, more comfortable and, most importantly, more worth living. He is a saint. Believe me.

If I leave you with any advice at all for 2016, it would be to appreciate all the ways your life is made beautiful by others. Love them. Hold them in your heart of hearts.

If you pray, I ask you to pray for a world where peace is a common goal - -a goal that is only possible when we think of each other as fellow human beings spinning together on this amazing planet that all of us call home. Happy, Happy 2016!


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