Mrs. Teabody Honors her Father

The following poems were written during the final year of my father's life. How I wish you all could have met him. I love and miss you, Dad!

A Trio of Poems for my Father

Look how small I am.
Soon I will fit in a suitcase
Look at my  alabaster skin
Soon I will be transparent
Look at my wispy white hair
Soon my pate will gleam
Look at my ruined skin
My poorly-drawn blood blotches
Look at my .  .  .
Hands like scurrying rabbits
 . . . Like chasing rodents
. . .  Like vices

What do hands do?
What in God’s name do hands that always did . . . do?
When there is nothing to do but:
 - grab at the air for another part that’s come undone
- grab the rail and dream of ships and hay wagon hitches and motorcycles and levers
 - grab the knees and dream of plunging into a summer stream  -- the shock of cold water heart-stopping
- grab invisible food and dream of hotdogs with mustard and onions
- grab offered hands and dream  of greeting old friends, a revered uncle, a darling grandchild
 - grab at hands to say “I don’t want you to . . .  Don’t”

This is what I do now
I grab and swear and ramble
Can’t you see I’m busy?
Can’t you see I’m busy?
Can’t you see I’m busy?


This is no father of mine
Any minute my real father will raise his head
And twinkle his eyes and say, “Fooled ya!”
And I will forgive him and say, “You sure did!”

Here’s what I’d give my father if I could:
Perfect eyesight to go with his beautiful eyes
Perfect ears, and I’d sing for him.
A longer temper
A parkerhouse roll
Brothers, a sister, an uncle
A haircut when he wanted one
A red pickup and in the back:
Snoopy, Lady and Ginger
An imperfect boat--his favorite kind.
Real presents to open
A power nap
A poke of RedMan
A hula-honey
Some hard-earned money
A lawn of green
And a Huffy machine
Something to fix
Quail on toast to eat
An audience
(I reckon I could hold the bag open
While he shoveled in the wheat)
Honey bees
A cone of chocolate
Friday night fights
New razor blades, Old Spice
Coon hunts and fur trades
A real smile
No beer
No fear.


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