Mrs. Teabody Continues her Quest for Truth

An acquaintance of long-standing, FactFree Frankenfurter visited my little tea emporium last week. He's a droll character and as smug and self-satisfied a man as one would ever hope to encounter. FactFree Frankenfurter is that rarest of birds in this 21st century: the Know-It-ALL (ba-dump-bump). Now, never you mind that FactFree does not read a newspaper, has his television set tuned to one channel only and leaves it on 24/7 so it never cools down. He is a man long on opinions but a man short on facts. This is how our conversation went: "Why are you closing the store for a couple days this week?" FactFree asked. "Oh, I'm going to the New York gift show to look for new merchandise. You know I go twice a year." "You're going BACK up to THAT city? How can you stand to be around all them foreigners?" he asked. "Oh, you might say that's part of the reason I do go. ' Them foreigners ' as you call them are artists an...