
Showing posts from March, 2018

Mrs. Teabody Bids You to Flesh Out Your Stick Figure

March marches on, doesn't it? Last week at this time Mother Nature was showing us here in Pennsylvania much of what she knows about creating havoc with wind. Needless to say, we were impressed. Perhaps distressed. Definitely stressed. I like calm. I like electricity. I was glad when the storm was over, but the storm and subsequent power outage reminded me of the forces of Nature of our planet and our place on it.  Of course many things about the world are outside our control; that being said, we still make deliberate choices about our behavior and our interaction with the world and the other humans whose paths we cross. Some of these choices are not wise. Face it: we often CREATE problems for ourselves. We overindulge in food; we push our bodies too hard or not hard enough; we abuse our organs with excesses of all kinds and we abuse our bones with our awkwardness,  our lack of care or  by pushing  our physical boundaries. And we do every bit as much da...

Mrs. Teabody Encourages You to Think about Blooms

"Where would we be without our tea?"  Hello, March!  Do you hold your breath every morning wondering what surprises the weather will bring? After the most erratic February in memory, you might indeed  have just cause. But here we are at the front door of March and we are going to be hopeful. Today we are all about tea and posies--blooms if you will. The past two days have been busy at Tickle Your Fancy as parcel after parcel arrived-- all delivered by the charming  and popular UPS gentleman who was persuaded to have a freshly-baked scone yesterday. At least once a month we try to add to the already extensive menu of teas available at  TYF. Just five short years ago, we first heard the name Pu-erh. This fermented tea is pronounced Pooh-air , and one of its descriptors is "warm hay in a barn." Oh, my! How perfectly odd we thought at the time. However, we now carry at least three versions of Pu-erh in loose form. Mrs. Teabody rather enjoys this savory...