Mrs. Teabody Visits "Generations" Art Show

Antietam Ironworks Second Story Once Again Is Filled With Art

It is just breaking dawn on this twentieth day of May and the long-awaited opening of "Generations" is only twelve hours away. When the doors open at 6:00 P.M., Mrs. Teabody hopes you will be among those who climb the stairs to the Second Story to share in the artistic successes of seventeen individuals in their respective galleries . You will also see a display called "Pet Project" featuring  poignant and youthful efforts to capture the charm of a beloved pet. Sprinkled among these will be some little surprises. Mrs. Teabody wishes to pass along a bit of advice just in case you have never visited an art show. As if.

1. Be respectful. The artwork you are coming to see reflects literally THOUSANDS of hours in effort. You know how you feel when you or someone else breaks or mars something you love. Please refrain from touching and definitely do not take food or beverages close to the artwork.  

2.  Be realistic. You will not see it all in one visit. Mrs. Teabody has watched every single piece of artwork coming into the space and she has not even scratched the surface of enjoyment. Pass through the galleries tonight observing what is in each one and resolve to make a second  or third visit to see the work in depth.

3. Be appreciative. Mrs. Teabody knows her limitations and she knows if she spent the rest of her life trying she could not create the beauty these folks have created. Each artist who has contributed has known the frustration of learning a new skill and has spent YEARS honing their skills to the level you will witness tonight.

4. Be aware.  An art show is not a place for folks to run, jump and holler. There are many breakables; there is much to knock over. Help everyone by keeping your youngster and maybe yourself under control. Pay attention that no one is doing anything to harm the artwork. Or each other. No fisticuffs.

5. Be courteous. This is not an arena for discussing inflammatory or hurtful topics. Tonight is all about art and expression and creativity. It is about patting the backs of those who have done such wonderful work. CNN can wait.

That's enough rules for now, don't you agree, Gentle Reader? Mrs. Teabody knows that YOU know how to act  and she knows you would never ever in a thousand years think of wiping  a smear of hummus onto a linen tablecloth or trying to swing from the bottom of a quilt. Don't you let anybody else do it, either.  At the end of the show there are some light refreshments. Enjoy and do thank the darlings who are dispensing food and tea.  Plan to make a return visit to catch anything you have missed. Leave the show with a heart made glad and a feeling of pride knowing everything you have just enjoyed was made right here in Fulton County--the place we all call home. Cheers!


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