Mrs. Teabody Laments a Passing Youth
This has been an unkind year. When I pause and allow myself to think that I will never again see the bright smiles or hear the wise and funny words or just sit in the company of so many people who have enriched my life and the lives of those around them in little ways, in big ways, I feel a loss I cannot begin to explain. Some of these lost friends have led long, happy, productive, influential lives; some have been cut down at the peak of their power when their due was at least another three or four decades; these friends have lived. They have known the range of life's ups and downs, its pain and pleasure, its triumphs and disappointments. I mourn them all. In the wake of their passing, we are heartbroken widows and widowers; we are bereaved grandchildren; we are uncomprehending children; we are devastated brothers and sisters. Our lives, our worlds are diminished by their loss. And that brings me, this sobbing senior citizen on this bright May morning, to the hardest loss to...