Mrs. Teabody Says "Lavender's Blue"

"Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly, lavender's green
When I am king, dilly, dilly, You shall be queen
Who told you so, dilly, dilly, who told you so?
'Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly, that told me so"

"Lavender" window at Tickle Your Fancy
A few weeks back Mrs. Teabody decided she wanted to celebrate lavender in a memorable manner this spring in her darling little shop, Tickle Your Fancy. The little front garden is already a tribute of sorts to lavender with two established clusters of this rambling perennial and inside the shop one can always find lavender soaps, bath salts and lotions from Pre De Provence as well as a number of teas including Earl Grey Lavender, The Dowager Countess, and Anna. Mrs. Teabody each year makes a few lavender wands and presents them to special folks who are especially enchanted by lavender's soothing fragrance. Clearly, lavender has a friend in Mrs. Teabody as well as many, many folks of Mrs. Teabody's acquaintance. Lovely stuff, lavender. Soothing. Relaxing.

As a feature of this homage to lavender, Mrs. Teabody decided to paint an old dining room chair in this subtle hue so off to the local Tru Value store she motored seeking her friend David for the  appropriate color and therein lies the rub. Among all those paint chips and color cards could Mrs. Teabody find exactly the hue she desired? No, Gentle Reader, she could not so she settled somewhat unhappily on "Lavender Mist".

It was at this moment that Mrs. Teabody realized she would soon be running afoul of her initial plan because in spite of her great adoration of lavender, there was, to cloud the color wheel of her imagination, the lovely lilac, the enchanting violet and the passionate purple.  She was soon to learn that she was not alone in her diversion. From her packaging guru, Mrs. Teabody had ordered lavender tissue paper, lavender bags, lavender ribbon and lavender tulle. First order of the day was the construction of a mock Maypole constructed of lavender tulle and white grosgrain ribbon. Splendid. Pretty. A true lavender.  Mrs. Teabody teetered at the top of her trusty ladder and hung the Maypole. Perfect color combo. Precisely what she had in mind. 

Mrs. Teabody had next imagined a huge stack of presents wrapped in the lavender tissue and tied with white grosgrain. Cracking open the package of tissue paper Mrs. Teabody and Maggie found it to be purple--but what a purple! A soul-satisfying, spunky, punch-drunk, "Oooooh, I love it" purple.  Very very close to the color of the ensemble Queen Elizabeth II wears in this 90th birthday picture sipping a cuppa.

Irresistible color so the wrapping of fifteen boxes of assorted sizes commenced, each bearing a white grosgrain bow. They looked smashing and soon they were placed under the Maypole and  topped with all the lovely new products: linen water, shower gel, body lotion along with the tried-and-true bath salts, luxurious soaps and hand creams and the effect was somewhat different than imagined but entirely satisfactory.

Mrs. Teabody looked at the display and said to helpmate Maggie: "It goes a  bit more Prince than Mother's Day, don't you think?"

And Maggie said, " That's okay, right?"

An hour later the world learned that a soul-satisfying, spunky, punch-drunk, "Oooooh, I love it" purple was exactly the shade of "lavender" that was appropriate.


  1. All the shades and hues of the purple family are my favorite section of the color wheel.


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