Mrs. Teabody Prefers Hard Copy

Good Morning from Chez Teabody where it is not quite sunrise but still light enough to see the outlines of the towering and leafless trees this second day of spring. Nonetheless those with a few dozen springs in our experience  can easily spot favorite hedges of starting-to-yellow forCynthia, crops of emerging daffs and that most ephemeral of blooming trees, the magnolia. Mrs. Teabody is most grateful for this bright new season and for the warmish days that permit garden preparation. Just two days ago when the fierce air blew cold and damp Mrs. Teabody visited a garden center where she held the door for a gentleman pushing against the wind with a cart laden with cabbage plants and lettuces. "Are you going to plant those on such a day?"

The gentleman paused, snorted, wiped his nose with a handkerchief pulled from his pocket: "No, I'll have my STAFF plant them," he replied and his eyes sparkled.

"Is yours a very large staff?"

"Well, there's me. Then there's myself. Oh, and I," he finished.

"Decent lot, I'm sure. Good Luck!" He smiled and pushed forward resolutely. Mrs. Teabody spent an hour in a green house overdosing on pansies and primulas. Soon. Soon.

Mrs. Teabody reads a daily newspaper because television "journalism" is too sensationalist and because she is tired of trying to read accounts of the world's events online.  The constant barrage of ads and the boondoggle of the disappearing threads makes for a most unsatisfactory experience. The Teabodys also subscribe to a number of magazines among those NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TRAVELER. One expects a certain level of competence from the folks of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and the most recent cover banner could not be more intriguing:

How to See the World in a Lifetime: 
7 Trips * 7 Continents * 7 Decades

What a great idea, Gentle Reader, and what a smashing article  which advocates seeing North America during that first decade and ending a lifetime of traveling with a visit to Antarctica. Antarctica! Imagine! 

If you love travel, if you have ever thought about making a "Bucket List" of places you hope to visit across your lifetime, perhaps you need to get a hard copy of the April/May NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TRAVELER. Right now Mrs. Teabody's copy lies on an adjacent table open to Arizona-- a place Mrs. Teabody should have visited as a child. She did not. But she will do so in April.  Online works for so much of life but sometimes you need  something you can hold in your hands knowing it will still be there even if there is a power failure.

Plant those cabbages!


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