Mrs. Teabody Shares the Best of 2015

Here it is New Year's Eve 2015 . . . already. For all you youngsters out there, remember this: time speeds up exponentially past age 50 and continues to fly by faster and faster with every passing year. Why it seems like just yesterday I said to J: “Are we doing anything for New Year's?” Either he was in the garage and could not hear me or else he was in the office simply ignoring me because there was no answer. Well, there may have been a little derisive snort, but that could also have been the furnace acting up. No matter. We have NO plans. We are not New Year's Eve people. No apologies. If YOU have a big celebration planned, have a blast! We know we can count on a fair amount of gunfire echoing along the mountain and down in the valley to announce the arrival of 2016. That is fine with us. We are too old to play dodge cars after midnight. One of the unavoidable aspects of New Year's Eve is a little reflection on the passing year, and this technologic...