Mrs. Teabody Makes a Wish (or Three)

In Gratitude for a Wonderful Life
By Thruppence Teabody (2012) 

If life is a pie,
Mine is four-fifths done
But there's filling left
And the crust still crumbs.

If life is a ball game,
The eighth inning's near
But the best batter's up
And the outcome's unclear.

If life is a rainbow,
The way's going down
But it's so much easier
And gold's on the ground.

If life is a card game,
The aces are played
But left in my hand
Are the queen and her knave.

If life is a water glass,
Mine's more than half full
Surprisingly clear
Refreshingly cool.

Life is what you make it;
Your outlook is key
Let no one say ever
Life was wasted on me.

Good Morning from Meadow Grounds Mountain where at this early hour not one rosy finger of dawn scrolls across the ebon sky. Today is Mrs. Teabody's birthday and she doesn't want to languish abed, contemplating her mortality. Mrs. Teabody has things to do, places to go, and because it is a birthday--wishes to make. Mrs. Teabody has no aversion to your making a few wishes, too, and has even provided you a small lovely wishing vessel above, given to her by a  beloved girlhood friend in the presence of other  beloved girlhood friends just a week ago. Please do wish upon it and make your wishes good ones.

Wish #1 The end of greed. As Mrs. Teabody ages, she realizes most conflicts in the world are waged not for the stated reasons but  so that  the demented Midas(es) of the world can stack up more money in their respective counting houses. Every single time Mrs. Teabody sees a photo of a limbs-missing twenty-first century casualty of war she weeps for the utter pointlessness of war. Every single time Mrs. Teabody reads about jobs being cut, care facilities being understaffed and factories closed so that investors can add to their bottom line, she wonders about the utter soul-lessness of those who add daily to their personal wealth  with no thoughts of what they can do to improve life on this planet. 

Wish #2 The end of intolerance.  Mrs. Teabody has had the good fortune to explore other parts of this amazing and beautiful world only to find that humans are, after all, humans: hearts beating, blood coursing through veins, all with the capacity to cry and/or laugh.  Love one another. Disagree with policies, beliefs, actions but grant your fellow humans  as much right to walk the planet as you have. 

Wish #3 Embrace life. "And of my three score years and ten . . ." Mrs. Teabody grew up being told that her life expectancy  was 70 years of age. A more recent prediction is, thankfully,  more optimistic: "The average life expectancy for a person who was 65 years old in 2012 is 19.3 years – 20.5 years for women and 17.9 years for men."  A little wiggle room, yes? Of course, the truth is that no one can make an accurate prediction of his or her life span, and the only good that ever comes from any discussion of mortality is a new resolve not to take life for granted. Greet each day with a blessing, a prayer of gratitude and LIVE EVERY DAY. Look at the world around you and all the wonders in it with fresh eyes. One half hour  spent watching a show based on the wonders of nature will do a THOUSAND times more good for your soul than watching four seasons of a show that features humans at their worst.  When did it become fashionable, desirable, popular, expected to encourage humans to behave so badly? Listening to great music being expertly played  can soothe (your) savage breast.  Spending time in the company of like-minded friends doing something you enjoy--gardening, cooking, painting -- creates  the desire to CONTRIBUTE to the world rather than  languishing in the dark, expecting the worst. 

You ARE the author of your own life.

Just one last thing and then you may join Mrs. Teabody in blowing out the candle. Count your blessings. On this first morning of this next chapter in Mrs. Teabody's life, she has never felt more loved,  more blessed by family, friends and loved ones, more motivated to greet the day with a great attitude, an open heart and the expectation of infinite possibility. Perhaps you have forgotten all the wonderful things about your own life? Mrs. Teabody will give you a moment to recall them. Now? Ready? May all your wishes come true. Okay, Gentle Reader, all together now: blow!


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