Mrs. Teabody Makes a Wish (or Three)

In Gratitude for a Wonderful Life By Thruppence Teabody (2012) If life is a pie, Mine is four-fifths done But there's filling left And the crust still crumbs. If life is a ball game, The eighth inning's near But the best batter's up And the outcome's unclear. If life is a rainbow, The way's going down But it's so much easier And gold's on the ground. If life is a card game, The aces are played But left in my hand Are the queen and her knave. If life is a water glass, Mine's more than half full Surprisingly clear Refreshingly cool. Life is what you make it; Your outlook is key Let no one say ever Life was wasted on me. Good Morning from Meadow Grounds Mountain where at this early hour not one rosy finger of dawn scrolls across the ebon sky. Today is Mrs. Teabody's birthday and she doesn't want to languish abed, contemplating her mortality. Mrs. Teabody has things ...