Mrs. Teabody Urges You to Brighten the Corner

How goes your summer, Gentle Reader? Before you remind Mrs. Teabody that "summer" is only a few days along, Mrs. T. shall remind YOU that in these parts "summer" begins with Memorial Day and ends on the first day of school. Aside from a few flash floods, a few too many thunder-boomers and a preponderance of ticks, Mrs. Teabody sees this June as an especially memorable one so fill the next couple days carefully so you have something celebratory to get you through next February. Have you noticed the mural that hangs along Lincoln Way West next to Susquehanna Bank? Painted by David Henry it is a reminder to passers by of the current state of one of Fulton County's greatest treasures, Meadow Grounds Lake. Instead of the breathtaking 200+ acres bowl of water, it is a somewhat barren landscape now. At the left end of the mural there is a gauge for the current level of local commitment to the $100K the area has been asked to raise to get the restoration started....