Mrs. Teabody Gets Snowed In

Good Morning from a relatively snug spot on the less windy side of Meadow Grounds Mountain where one can hear Mother Nature roaring through the trees at the top, and where at Chez Teabody all are glad that the Blizzard of '13 has set its path hundreds of miles north. Mrs. Teabody is enjoying a steaming cuppa Classic Earl Grey and wondering about the rescue workers, power workers, police and health care professionals who must work hardest when conditions are at their worst. It takes a special kind of person to be out in all weather restoring  order out of chaos, and the Teabodys are most assuredly grateful for all they do. As are you, Gentle Reader.

This area is no stranger to snowstorms and blizzards,  When Mrs. Teabody recalls childhood winters, she recalls many, many snowstorms, many, many sled riding parties, many, many days and evenings "snowed in" with family playing 500 Rummy, putting puzzles together, and/ or playing Carrom. According to Mr. Wikipedia, "Carrom (also known as Karrom) is a 'strike and pocket' table game of Eastern origin similar to billiards and table shuffleboard. It is found throughout the East under different names though most non-eastern people know it by the East Asian name of Carroms (or Karrom). It is very popular in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and surrounding areas. Carrom is very commonly played within families and other functions. Different standards and rules exist in different areas." How Mrs. Teabody's family came into the possession of such a game is and shall remain a profound mystery. Great fun and sometimes pieces left the board  rather dramatically! Mrs. Teabody often wonders how her mother maintained her sanity snowed in with so many children in two small heated rooms, and she wonders now if additional vanilla extract--the only alcohol permitted in the household - - may have been added to cakes and hot chocolate to subdue such loudly energetic children. Marvelous how memory lights on gentle, happy times, is it not, Gentle Reader?

Most children and many child-like adults love snow. While a few recent winters have been relatively mild, it was not so very long ago in the mid 1990's that everything screeched to a halt on a Friday afternoon in white-out conditions with many folks emerging three, four, five and more days later blanketed in feet of  snow to begin  the process of  "digging out." Mrs. Teabody has always enjoyed being snowed in, especially with a stack of books, a well-filled larder and plenty of blankets and lantern oil . . . just in case.

Today Mr. Teabody is dashing off to an energy conference whilst Mrs. Teabody operates her delightful little shop, Tickle Your Fancy. Promptly at one o'clock Mrs. T. will hang the closed sign in the window, roar midway up the mountain in her ancient motor car, change into warm, comfortable clothing and begin her own little self-imposed "snowbound" experience.   "The Grave Maurice" awaits as does a most snuggly couch with afghans and enough tea to settle all the world's problems. Naps and toast will be involved. If this sounds good to you, perhaps you, too, can be snowbound today. Or  maybe sometime soon? Enjoy your Day! Ta for now!


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