Mrs. Teabody Looks Back and Then Walks Forward

It's March. Again. The second Thursday. Again. I know as well as I know my name that you are just as eager as I am to greet this nascent spring which buckles in a whole year's worth of experiences, both good and bad, liberating and confining, idle and productive, fearful and hopeful -- and when you look at twelve months in those terms, isn't that true of EVERY year? Needless to say, this was such a year but let's add that it was definitely amped up on a buckshot melange of psychotropic drugs coated in a shell of cynicism. One for the books. Most folks can recall that point in time when their minds first gave credence to the idea that something extraordinary was going on in the world and that point happened to me around 4:00 P.M. on Thursday evening, March 12, 2020-- exactly one year ago today. Mr. Teabody and I had planned to meet my sister at a downtown bank parking lot to drive to Shippensburg to watch our great - -in so many ways! -- nephew Noah perform in his h...