Mrs. Teabody Chronicles the Great Turtle Hunt of 2021
Turtles in search of a home. They were spotted first in a retail establishment in Selinsgrove by a Fulton Countian, Donna House , who found room in her heart for the six fuzzy, lovable turtles and brought them home. Jealousy quickly raised its unattractive head in the body of Mr. Tom, the resident feline favorite at Donna's house, and she found she must quickly find the squishy group suitable and loving homes. That is when she contacted me, Mrs. Teabody. I was immediately struck by their likeness to the turtle appearing in all our ads for Cocoa Crawl 2021. "Can you help me find homes for them?" she pleaded. "Good homes." An idea began to form in my head. What if we made these delightful creatures a part of the upcoming Cocoa Crawl? What if the six fuzzy reptiles became part of a hunt? "That's it!" I shrieked. "We shall hold a Great Turtle Hunt knowing that those people who search the hardest will actually WANT to provide homes for the lit...