Mrs. Teabody Does Fall

Fannypack: Car key, phone, music, bandage, mint I walk, therefore I am? I don't know how your mornings start, but mine start out in the streets of my little hamlet where over the course of the last two years I have transitioned from a mildly energetic effort of two miles to a most recently determined effort of 4 miles. All of this effort is in the pursuit of a healthier life and the effort has paid off. In two years time I have dropped (very slowly) nearly 30 pounds, reduced my clothing size by two sizes, increased my energy level exponentially and have as my ultimate reward better health. As one in my very advanced years and living on borrowed time--having long passed my semi-promised three score and ten -- this "better health" is among my most prized possessions. All of that could have come to a very bad ending this morning when I took my third fall of my life. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Many, many years ago I read a terrifying story in READERS DIGEST about ...