Mrs. Teabody Talks Tea at PA Tea Festival

*Caveat: the following provides the information from a lecture on British Tea Style presented at the Pennsylvania Tea Festival on September 27, 2019. Just a few months from now, Mr. Teabody and I will embark on yet another, much-anticipated holiday in England -- Yorkshire this time. Imagine that! After so many trips abroad, I am still THRILLED to be going to England! Next to my very own home in rural Pennsylvania, England/Great Britain/the United Kingdom is my very favorite place to be. Perhaps it is yours as well? How did this now decades-long love affair begin and how did my Anglophilia bring me to where I am today: owning my own tea shop, playing a role in my community's social and business scenes, giving teas for charities and being part of a tea association? How did a person who grew up on a farm become such a fan of all things British? It was a gradual process. Let's be clear: I am no less an American because I love England so much. After all, I'v...