
Showing posts from May, 2019

Mrs. Teabody Finds Healing in Scotland Among Friends

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain Mr. Friese poses with The Band before our departure from Mercersburg to Dulles. If there has been a tougher end of March into late April 2019, then my memory has lost it. If I could take the collective grief associated with the loss of a beautiful and kind cousin, a genuinely funny and loving son of a friend, and the brilliant but down-to-earth beloved physician and turn that grief into food, I could feed the world. However, in the middle of all this loss and heartache, there was a trip that had been planned for almost a year. Over how many lunches, through how many hours of research in guide books and on the internet did planning and discussion turn into an itinerary. Flights had been purchased, a flat rented and those two major investments along with the time involved had to be respected. While almost every part of my being wanted to wallow in my...