Mrs. Teabody Wanders in Wales

Someone mentions a picturesque town, an amazing structure, a scene in nature of breathtaking beauty and my mind locks it in a box and I vow that someday, some way I WILL get there. Good Morning from rainy Meadow Grounds where Mrs. Teabody is finding it important to speak with some clarity regarding toast toppings. Jam is a food made by boiling fruit and sugar to a thick consistency. Jelly is a soft somewhat elastic fruit product made by boiling sugar and the juice of fruit. Marmalade is a clear sweetened jelly in which pieces of (usually) citrus fruit and fruit rind are suspended. Are we clear? Good. What's on your toast these February mornings? If ever there was a time of year to open up all those delicious jams, jellies and marmalades you either concocted yourself or received from generous friends at Christmas, that time is Now. Mrs. Teabody does not usually have anything sweet before noon, but when Cindy Glessner gifted...