Mrs. Teabody Thanks Television for a Bearable Reality

Blame the rain. Someone should. Blame John Mulaney's horse that's loose inside the hospital . I do. Blame frustration for the world as we know it. Why would you not? But all of this blame-making wants clarification. That is what Mrs. Teabody does best. So pour yourself a cuppa of your favorite freshly-brewed loose leaf tea and get comfortable. We're in for a bumpy and extended ride. And do I actually have to tell you to turn off the tv? I thought as much. At least have the decency to push pause . Ta very much. Let's lead with this: I watch too much television. Perhaps you do, too. With a few decades here and there when I BY CHOICE eschewed the companionship afforded by the glowing tubes, I have been watching television for more than sixty years. SIXTY. Now that's a helluva lot of Mickey Mouse Club , American Bandstand , Twilight Zone , and Johnny Carson. That is decades of Days of our Lives , Search for Tomorrow and wondering for an entir...