Mrs. Teabody Poses Some Questions about Walls

" . . . Before I built a wall I'd ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offense." - Robert Frost "Something there is that doesn't love a wall. . ." One day as I sat on our porch, I heard a rumble and before I knew what was happening a large dump truck had driven onto the property adjacent to ours. Shortly after that, I heard the beepbeepbeep of a construction-style vehicle backing up and a few seconds later the truck tilted its bed and somewhere close to ten tons of "mixed materials" of asphalt and concrete cascaded toward our property. This was only the first of dozens of such trips. Someone somewhere was breaking up (or breaking down) a parking lot and what that "someone somewhere" no longer wanted was being hauled away to the woods, OUR woods, where nobody cares. It was not pretty. During the succeeding days, more and more trucks arrived and the mound between us grew hig...