Mrs. Teabody Talks about Spud Love
For some it is the ultimate comfort food. Familiar. Dependable. Uncomplicated. It is a staple found in most kitchen pantries. It is the sometimes rejected but always offered "side" in a restaurant meal. Think about your favorite meals from childhood and it played a role; think about a vegetable that is served daily in school cafeterias, at almost every fund-raising or celebratory banquet you have ever attended and even at most wedding receptions. Think about the ultimate American fast food meal of which it is the noteworthy companion to the burger. Yes, Gentle Reader, we are talking about the potato. Mr. Webster describes the potato as "a starchy plant tuber that is one of the most important food crops, cooked and eaten as a vegetable." For me as a child, it was almost the only vegetable I would eat. Beat the hell out of Brussels sprouts I can assure you . . . You can do almost anything cooking-wise to a white potato and it will still be delicious. At...